2006-06-26 Josh email

From HypertWiki

06-26 Us to Arc of NC

Subject: services for Josh Smith
From: Nick & Sandy <us-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org>
To: arcofnc-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org
Cc: erussell-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org, gdaniels-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 21:24:20 -0400
Message-Id: <1151371460.9212.36.camelspam@spamlocalhostspam.spamlocaldomain>


I'm trying to find out the status of services for Josh Smith, Sandy Hall's autistic son. We emailed Greg Daniels back in November, but got no response (perhaps the email bounced silently?).

Please let me know what the situation is, and what we need to do next.

Thank you!

Nick and Sandy, on behalf of Josh Smith

06-27 Arc of NC to Us

Subject: FW: services for Josh Smith
From: "Ellen Russell" <ERussell-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org> (The Arc of NC)
To: us-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org
Date: 2006-06-27 15:44

Nick and Sandy

I am in Raleigh and do not know your location. Will you let me know where you live so that I can find the correct person to help you?

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Ellen Russell

Director of Advocacy and Chapter Services

06-27 Us to Arc of NC

Subject: Re: FW: services for Josh Smith
From: Nick & Sandy <us-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org>
To: ERussell-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org
Date: 2006-06-27 16:12

Thanks for the response! We're in Durham. Please let me know if you need any other information.


06-28 Arc of NC:Durham to Us

Subject: Re: Services for JS
From: "debbie goda" <dgoda-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org>
To: us-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org
Date: 2006-06-28 13:34

Good afternoon,

My name is Debbie Goda and I'm the Team Leader for the Durham office of The Arc of North Carolina. We do not have a current listing for JS on our list. If you could give me a call, or send me your number, I'd be happy to try to figure out where we should go next. My cell phone is 919-475-6021.

Thank you,

Debbie Goda

The Arc of NC

06-28 Us to Arc of NC:Durham

Re: Services for JS
From: Nick & Sandy <us-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org>
To: dgoda-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org
Date: 2006-06-28 16:26

Ok, it looks like the process never got as far as setting up an account for Josh.

Some background:

Our fist contact with the Arc of NC was an email I sent to Kaye Crossland on 04 Apr 2005; she wanted us to call her. We are bad about calling (both of us are phone-phobic). I sent a responding email on 4/14 explaining this, but received no reply.

Carla Alston at The Durham Center (whom we were in touch with on related issues) called some time later to check up on our progress; Sandy emailed her back on 6/27 to explain that we hadn't. A few days later (7/1) we received email from Greg Daniels, who was at that time Intake Coordinator with The Arc of NC's Durham office, asking us to email him with a good time to meet for the intake appointment.

Apparently we dropped the ball at that point without realizing it (we are often overwhelmed with Really Important Tasks, and when you try to juggle too many eggs, sometimes a few of them get dropped).

In November, I checked through my emails to see where we were and realized that the ball had in fact been in our court, so I sent an email to Mr. Daniels apologizing for the long delay and responding to his original question. I also cc:ed Carla Alston and Kaye Crossland.

I got no response from Mr. Daniels, and the cc:s to Ms. Alston and Ms. Crossland both bounced.


That's just so you know where we've been with this.

We are at 401-9424. You can talk to either Sandy Hall or Nick Staddon (me), though we're more likely to be coherent when replying by email; on the phone, we tend to be scatterbrained and unable to coordinate important details.

Our best times for an intake appointment are Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30 and approximately 4:00 (this is probably true for next week as well, but I'd need to check on it).

Thank you!

Nick (and Sandy)

06-28 Arc of NC:Durham to Us

Subject: RE: Services for JS
From: "debbie goda" <dgoda-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org>
To: "'Nick & Sandy'" <us-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org>
Date: 2006-06-28 16:57

Nick (and Sandy),

Ok, I think I know what we need to do. If you contact the Durham Center 560-7100 (I'm not sure if they will take an email referral) and tell them you need to schedule an intake with us (they won't just let us do our own - we need to be authorized by them and they have a time limit on the authorization of about 30 days (so last April's, if we got one, would have expired by now). They'll schedule an intake. Email me and we can make sure that you can make it. We'll only have 30 days to do it, or we have to start over.

Kaye is no longer with The Arc of NC and Greg has moved to our Lumberton office, so that's probably why you couldn't get up with them.

As far as email goes, we all have email, here. We just can't put names in emails (we'd have to use an attachment to the email). HIPPA rules and regs and all that. Though you are allowed to send it however you want to me.

Let me clarify - this is for developmental disabilities case management, correct? Just don't want to lead you through the process if it's not what you are looking for.

Thank you,

Debbie Goda The Arc of NC

06-28 Us to Arc of NC:Durham

Subject: RE: Services for JS
From: Nick & Sandy <us-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org>
To: dgoda-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org
Date: 2006-06-28 17:17

Ahh! Thank you very much for explaining all that; I'm finally starting to understand some of what has been going on.

This also is helpful because now I know what to tell The Durham Center, and what the time constraints are.

Yes, I think we are on the right track -- "developmental disabilities" certainly covers autism, and Melissa Bent at The Arc of Durham said that the first thing we need to get is a case manager. "Developmental disabilities case management" would then, I presume, cover getting a case manager for an autistic person (Josh).

I will see about contacting The Durham Center.

Thanks again!

Nick (and Sandy)