2005-06-27 Josh email

From HypertWiki
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 12:54:33 -0400
To: Carla Alston Alstonc-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@mh.co.durham.ncspam.us
From: Sandy Hall harena-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@ownedbycatsspam.org
Subject: CAP & Other Services
Cc: kcrossland-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@arcncspam.org
Bcc: "woozle" <woozlespam@spamhypertwinsspam.spamorg>

Hi Carla,

Some time ago, you called to ask if we had received the response we needed regarding services (especially a CAP worker) for my son Josh Smith. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner; as always, life has been busy and chaotic to the point where I can't remember half the things I need to do at any given moment, and this just slipped repeatedly through the cracks until a minor Josh incident at camp today reminded me.

In short -- no, we didn't. Kay Crossland from Arc of NC called once and sent an email asking me to call back. As I discussed with you earlier, I have a severe phone phobia, and although I am fine with receiving calls (where the person on the other end already knows who I am and why they want to talk to me), placing calls is something I am rarely able to do.

Could you please ask Ms. Crossland to call back again, and keep trying if I'm not there? Better yet would be if we could get this set up via email, but I understand that many agencies are reluctant to do this sort of thing over email due to "privacy" concerns. I have no such concerns, as I discuss many private things via email and I am likely to get flustered on the phone and forget to ask crucial questions, so if it's at all possible to make this happen via email, that would be best for me.

Thanks very much!

Sandy Hall