
From HypertWiki


The Hypertwin Wiki is a project of The Hypertwins, Woozle and Harena. It is an information-gathering place for their many and varied projects, as well as a point of contact for family, friends, and business activities.

Some History

In June 2006, HypertWiki was moved to a shiny new server hosted on TheRealms; it formerly ran on an ancient 233 MHz Red Hat Linux server which we rented from CI Host for various web projects. It uses the MediaWiki open-source wiki software (Components and versions are shown here) which is fairly easy to install if you have some experience with the target operating system (preferably Linux), PHP, and MySQL.

Sometime in 2008, HypertWiki was moved to Rizzo, the server we kept in the basement[1]. Our internet connection was provided by Speakeasy, which not only allowed their customers to serve content but even encouraged it. Speakeasy was bought out by MegaPath, and their customer service gradually deteriorated.

Sometime in the early 2010s, we moved hosting to a DigitalOcean virtual server (aka a "droplet"). It has been on about three different droplets since then.

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The current wiki logo is a passionflower photographed on the American Tobacco Trail with a somewhat elderly Olympus D-510 Zoom 2.1 megapixel digital camera and processed with PaintShop Pro 8.1.

The "favorite" icon flower (used for bookmarks in some browsers) is a dandelion from our front yard, photographed and processed the same way.


  1. Rizzo later became Statler, when he moved out of the basement – although by now Statler is arguably a kind of "server of Theseus" since every part of it has been replaced.