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From HypertWiki
Supercollider Laboratory and Research Center for the Inhumanities Collaborative Investigation Wiki funded by special grants from The Society for Creative Impropriety and the International Conspiracy of Mad Scientists “Hypertwin Science - We Do What We Can Because We Must™” ...just to keep from being thrown to the wolves, as we watch our dreams drift by and sail forever out of sight, for all the difference it would make. |
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We are boycotting:
- Principal Investigators: Woozle (aka Nicola) Staddon and Harena (aka Sandy Hall), The Hypertwins.
- Areas of investigation:
- Woozle
- Harena (Sandy)
- Their mad science laboratory, aka Hypertwin Manor
- Their various friends & family members
- Memorials:
- Frank Gregory Hall (1896-1967)
- John Ballator (1909-1967)
- Jenny (1965-1983)
- Kenneth Daland Hall (1926-1999)
- Tigger (1968-2003)
- Shannon (1966-2013)
- Related Literature:
- More about Hypertwiki - as in, "no, seriously, what is this site about??"
As of March 23, 2025, the HypertWiki has something like 1,847 pages of more-or-less substantial content.
If there are any pages about this date in Hypertwin history, they would be indexed on this page.
Day Pages
- 2024/05/01: photos: sidewalk rebuilding, trees, clouds
- 2023/08/26: the cleanup continues
- 2023/08/16: the day after the storm
- 2023/05/20: trying to find where Jenny died, 40 years ago on this day
- 2023/03/05: visit to Beaver Marsh Preserve
- 2022/10/08: bikeshedding and logging
- 2022/10/03: a malfunctioning laptop and a walk back from the car shop (Woozle's regular day-journal starts here)
- 2022/03/06: a [Poké]walk in Duke Gardens
- 2022/01/22: snow
- 2021/11/03: Savannah
- 2021/05/21: treescapes
- 2021/03/24: some light carpentry
- 2020/07/25: waiting for a tow truck just off Duke's west campus
- 2020/03/28: a walk in locked-down Duke Forest
- 2020/02/21: snow - the morning after
- 2020/02/20: evening snow
- 2020/01/04: mostly wallpapers
- 2019/11/20: a Pokéwalk on the Al Buehler Trail, with wallpapers
- 2019/11/16: repairing the CoA
- 2019/11/11: sky wallpapers
- 2019/11/07: tree/sky wallpapers
- also posted memories brought up by tickets from an ELO concert on 1981/12/04
- 2019/11/05: mushrooms
- 2019/11/01: at the new CFS memorial
- 2019/08/31: the Woozle Fashion Show
- 2019-08-02: The Fate of Janis Jalopy
- 2019/04/24: Big Flats Odyssey of Non-Doom part 1 (driving up)
- 2019/03/03 - Daisy purchased
- 2018/12/05: Big Flats Odyssey of Doom part 1 (driving up)
- 2018/12/01: a few trees
- 2018/11/21: Thanksgiving pickup from WWC
- 2018/11/17: a walk in the woods
- 2018/10/21: returning B&Z to WWC
- 2018/10/19: a couple of things
- 2018/10/06: in progress
- 2018/10/05: day 1 of Warren Wilson Family Weekend
- 2018/09/12: a one-day round-trip to Warren Wilson to fix a paperwork issue
- 2018/08/21: installing B at Warren Wilson, an epic story of OMG and WTF
- 2018/04/30: more Sandy Creek Park
- 2018/03/04: a walk along part of the new West Ellerbe Creek Trail segment
- 2017/10/31: Halloween, of course
- 2017/10/21: some pictures taken on the way to picking up the rental car
- 2017/09/18: Sandy Creek Park
- 2017/08/30: lotsa nature
- 2017/08/21: the eclipse
- 2017-07-19/20: see Woozle/SRS
- 2017/07/15: last yardwork day for a few weeks
- 2017/07/06 - 2017/07/09: Beach Trip 2017
- 2017/06/17: moving the generator
- 2017/06/10: the replacement shedroof
- 2017/05/27: yard photos and decommissioning the play structure
- 2017/05/26: random photos from our Friday morning
- 2017/05/17: our exciting brush with death (or at least injury)
- 2016/09/19 - 2016/09/22: 2016 Found-Family Reunion (cat shelter photos on 9/22)
- 2007/06/25: walking from downtown San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge with Anna
- 1981/12/04: a recollection around tickets from an ELO concert