Wednesday, December 5, 2018 (#339)
Driving from Durham to Big Flats, NY in Kestracel Weiss...
And then...
...about halfway through Pennsylvania, in some isolated spot (cell signal going in and out), in the dark, in below freezing temperatures, this happened:

Harena - Last Wednesday at 7:34 PM
@Reddawg99 you around?
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:35 PM
Yeah, just about to head out for a bit, whats up?
Harena - Last Wednesday at 7:36 PM
Need advice... One minute
Woozle- Last Wednesday at 7:37 PM
driving s long effimg didtsnce but now less than an hour from destination
getting rhythmic noise that seems coupled to ground speed, not engine
when we rest car for awhile, it goes away
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:38 PM
Thump, rattle, squeal or vibration?
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:38 PM
could it be a tire?
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:39 PM
High or low pitch?
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:40 PM
h says low, i say high -- what should we compare to?
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:40 PM
High pitch would be like the rattle of keys. Low would be like wooden wind chimes.
WoozleLast Wednesday at 7:40 PM
it's like a tapping
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:40 PM
When turning or all the time?
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:41 PM
just when turning, and not always
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:41 PM
CV Joints.
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:41 PM
comes and goes, slowly gets worse as wr drive
is it dangerous to keep driving?
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:41 PM
CVs typically have to be replaced every 90-120k miles.
You should be fine, but eventually that joint is gonna fail. It will sound a LOT worse just before that though. Will go from a tapping to a very loud thumping.
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:43 PM
is it best to rest it when it starts making noise?
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:43 PM
I'd start looking for a shop to replace them.
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:43 PM
there's a subaru repair place at destination
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:43 PM
Nahh, you'd have to let it rest like a hour for the noise to stop, and its just gonna resume once the grease gets thinner again.
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:44 PM
nothing here; in mid- bumfuk, PA
Harena - Last Wednesday at 7:44 PM
Destination is about an hour away
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:44 PM
Technically, the noise is always there. Its just a combination of grease and/or placement wether you hear it or not.
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:44 PM
so push on thru and hope it makes it?
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:45 PM
How strong is the tapping? Barely audible, or loud popping?
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:45 PM
goes from quiet to distinctly audible
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:45 PM
I'd say you have at least another 5k on it before it gets serious. And if the CV fails, it won't ruin anything, that wheel just stops getting power.
Unless you get REALLY unlucky.
Harena - Last Wednesday at 7:46 PM
Don't saaaay thaaaat ;D
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:46 PM
I must have put 40k more miles on mine before replacing them.
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 7:47 PM
ok, will cross all digits & hope for best
Reddawg99 - Last Wednesday at 7:47 PM
Get a pricing with and without parts. If it saves enough money, parts are usually really cheap on Amazon.
I'm off to get some cat food. If you need to know more, I'll be back in about a hour.
Harena - Last Wednesday at 7:48 PM
K, thanks!
Woozle - Last Wednesday at 9:13 PM
arrived safely!