HypertWiki:General disclaimer

From HypertWiki

If you are reading information relating to the Staddon vs. Griever lawsuits, please read this before proceeding.

If you are Rebekah, please note that if you have any problems with the content or accuracy of this web site, you should feel free to make any applicable corrections using the wiki's editing capabilities or contact us with your concerns (preferably in writing).


Warning: this site has no disclaimers yet. Any actions you take are therefore not covered by any disclaimers we may or may not choose to impose at any time, including but not limited to the future, the past, or anytime in between, and the management will not take responsibility for any such actions taken in the full knowledge that there are no existing or nonexisting disclaimers or other language which might or might not be interpretable in the applicable jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction as being or not being disclaimers, except where restricted or prohibited by law.