2005-03-28 Josh email

From HypertWiki

13:57 from us

From: The Hypertwins [mailto:them-2025-03-16-02:52-spam@hypertwinsspam.org]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 1:57 PM
To: Holliman, Ellen
Cc: Carla Alston
Subject: Re: Did someone from Durham Center Access call over the weekend?

We have not heard from anyone at the Durham Center other than email from you and the phone call from Carla as described earlier. Did someone call without leaving a message? We often don't pick up the phone if we don't recognize the number (caller ID), but if they started leaving a message we would certainly pick up if it was from The Durham Center.

Also, you have Carla's email as <CAlston-2025-03-16-02:52-spam@mh.co.durham.ncspam.us>; on the phone to Sandy, she gave it as AlstonC@... do you know which one is correct?

Tuesday should be fine for an appointment, if it's someone calling us (rather than going down there, which we couldn't do because of kids being out of school yadda yadda yadda (-; ).

Thanks very much,

Nick & Sandy

14:02 from Carla

Subject: RE: Did someone from Durham Center Access call over the weekend?
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:02:49 -0500
Thread-Topic: Did someone from Durham Center Access call over the weekend?
Thread-Index: AcUzx+HY9kHq0N3tR4+YXPgBzxeJDAAAQq3w
From: "Carla Alston" <CAlstonspam@spammh.co.durham.ncspam.spamus>
To: "The Hypertwins" <themspam@spamhypertwinsspam.spamorg>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Mar 2005 19:02:49.0389 (UTC)

The email address is alstonc-2025-03-16-02:52-spam@mh.co.durham.ncspam.us.


15:44 from Ellen

Subject: RE: Did someone from Durham Center Access call over the weekend?
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:44:52 -0500
Thread-Topic: Did someone from Durham Center Access call over the weekend?
Thread-Index: AcUzx+HUREfA9L6wTV+bVcB+dZLE/QAD9f0w
From: "Holliman, Ellen" <HollimanEspam@spammh.co.durham.ncspam.spamus>
To: "The Hypertwins" <themspam@spamhypertwinsspam.spamorg>
Cc: "Carla Alston" <CAlstonspam@spammh.co.durham.ncspam.spamus>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Mar 2005 20:44:52.0253 (UTC)

Nick and Sandy - thanks for following up. My guess is they did not leave a message as I was assured they would call that evening. However, today I learned your son is open to the Arc of Durham for respite. Given that, you will not need to go through Durham Center Access. You should receive another call from Carla to try to get you transferred to a case management agency.


Ellen Holliman
address & phone numbers omitted