2003-09-05 Josh email

From HypertWiki

10:00 from us

Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 10:00:56 -0400
From: "The Hypertwins" <usspam@spamhypertwinsspam.spamorg>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030529
To: "Alexsandra Manuel" <ManuelAspam@spammh.co.durham.ncspam.spamus>
Subject: Re: Information

Hi again,

I just wanted to make sure you received the contact information I sent you on 8/28, since we hadn't heard back from you.

Also, please let me know the status of the Medicaid appointment.

Thanks very much!

Nick (& Sandy)

Alexsandra Manuel wrote: see 2003-08-28 Josh email

10:03 from Alexandra

  • Responds to: 10:00 from us
From: "Alexsandra Manuel" <ManuelAspam@spammh.co.durham.ncspam.spamus>
To: "'The Hypertwins'" <usspam@spamhypertwinsspam.spamorg>
Subject: RE: Information
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 10:03:07 -0400
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)

Good Morning,

I have received the information in regards to Chris @ the Arc. I have also contacted our Medicaid worker, Flora Druid, to inquire about the Medicaid Eligibilty process. I am anxiously awaiting to schedule a meeting with Flora, however Flora is out until Monday. As soon as I hear from Flora I will then inform you of what time and date we are able to meet with Flora Durid. We really cannot expedite the process until we have determined what resources will fund Josh's needs. Please let me know, if you have any further questions.

Alex Manuel