2005-03-16 Josh email
07:56 from us
- Responds to: 2005-03-15 Josh email
From: | The Hypertwins [mailto:them | @hypertwins .org]
Sent: | Wednesday, March 16, 2005 7:56 AM |
To: | Ellen Holliman |
Subject: | Re: Getting Back in the System - The Durham Center |
Thank you *very* much for writing. We had just about decided that we'd gotten lost in the system again and were going to have to camp out in the lobby.
And thank you also for saying that this is not how the Durham Center's system is supposed to work; it is reassuring to hear that from someone within that system.
I would emphasize further that people with autistic children are more likely than average to have their own mental issues to deal with (Sandy is phone-phobic, ADHD, and mildly socio-phobic; although I am not related to Josh, I'm also phone-phobic and mildly socio-phobic and my short-term memory is highly unreliable).
If I were in a position to recommend such things, I would point out that preventing access to the system via electronic means (not allowing intake interviews over email for reasons of confidentiality) can feel quite unfriendly to such people, while allowing such access -- having the option option of conducting conversations via email or IRC chat, providing questionnaire forms and guides online, etc. -- would be a very positive thing. If we had been able to get Josh re-enrolled through email, we would have done so over a year ago.
Answers to your questions:
The location we went to had "Access Center" on the door; it is in an outdoor office complex off Duke Street (probably the Central Medical Park).
Nobody has called back.
The best phone number is 402-9774; if no answer, please call Sandy's cellphone at 423-9468. Anytime today except 11:00-1:30 should be fine. We tend to be out picking up and dropping off kids from 8:00-9:00 and 3:00-4:00, but Sandy usually brings her cellphone.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Nick & Sandy (on behalf of Josh Smith)
21:43 from Ellen
- Responds to: 07:56 from us
From: | "Ellen Holliman" <ellen> @ holliman . com |
To: | "The Hypertwins" <them> @ hypertwins . org |
Cc: | alstonc | @mh.co.durham.nc .us
Subject: | RE: Getting Back in the System - The Durham Center |
Date: | Wed, 16 Mar 2005 21:43:07 -0500 |
X-Mailer: | Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0) |
Hi Nick and Sandy, as I said in my first email this is my personal email address so I'm not seeing this until now. However, I will give your telephone numbers to our customer service staff who will assist you with Access. All you need to do is talk with someone for about 15 minutes and then they will ask you to choose a provider and give you an appointment time convenient for you. While we have not had a request for an email inquiry, I think we should explore the possibility - If the phone is such a problem for you, then we may send one of our customer service folks to meet you at Access. I do not want any chances that you would have a similiar experience.
The person who will call you back is Carla Alston. Please let me know if you should experience any further problems.