2005-03-25 Josh email

From HypertWiki

13:20 from us

Subject: RE: Getting Back in the System - The Durham Center
From: The Hypertwins <them-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hypertwinsspam.org>
To: Ellen Holliman <ellen-2025-03-18-13:03-spam@hollimanspam.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:20:31 -0500
X-Mailer: Evolution 2.0.2

Hi Ellen,

Thanks for keeping in touch with us about this. Carla did call Sandy's cellphone yesterday (3/24) afternoon, at about 2:45. She said she would get back in touch with Sandy on Tuesday; she's going to check out the situation with Josh's Durham Center account and see what needs to be done. Apparently it is complicated.

She also said that we should still be able to get respite care through The Arc *without* any change in Josh's status at The Durham Center, so we are going to work on that next.

Thanks again,

Nick & Sandy