2005-02-15 Josh email
11:02 from Robin
- Responds to: 2005-02-14 Josh email 12:26 from us
From: | Robin Baker <BakerR | @mh.co.durham.nc .us>
To: | "'The Hypertwins'" <them> @ hypertwins . org |
Subject: | RE: getting back in the system |
Date: | Tue, 15 Feb 2005 11:02:10 -0500 |
X-Mailer: | Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) |
According to our records Josh was open for case management services with OPC until his case was closed last February. Do you know why his case was closed at that time? If Josh needs to resume services the process will not be difficult. Just call our ACCESS Unit at 919-313-0280. The staff their will walk you through the process. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
18:33 from us
- Responds to: 11:02 from Robin Baker
From: | The Hypertwins [mailto:them | @hypertwins .org]
Sent: | Tuesday, February 15, 2005 6:33 PM |
To: | Robin Baker |
Subject: | RE: getting back in the system |
Well I have to say we're utterly baffled as to why his case was closed. *We* certainly didn't request it; we were in the middle of trying to get his services *expanded*, with several emails back & forth with Ms. Manuel and others, when (from our point-of-view) The Durham Center just kinda dropped off the face of the earth and we heard nothing more. We have a bounced email (to Ms. Manuel) on Feb. 14, 2004 -- the same time-frame as the Durham Center reorganization (or whatever it was when the location on Roxboro and Lakewood closed without warning) apparently happened. This was around the time you say that Josh's case was closed.
Also in the months leading up to this time, one of Josh's teachers at school (John Lee) called TDC several times in reference to being a CAP(S?) worker for Josh, and left messages but was never called back.
The last thing we heard from anybody at TDC, prior to your replies this week, was email from Ms. Manuel on Nov. 4, 2003, confirming that Josh had received medicaid, and naming some other services she expected Josh could receive -- we were very excited about these, and so the total lack of response after that point came as a great disappointment.
Can you perhaps have the ACCESS unit email us, so that we may communicate with them that way? As I explained earlier, we both have a great deal of difficulty using the phone in situations like this; if we can pursue this through email, it is much more likely to happen in a timely way.
Failing that, where *is* the Durham Center now? If we could walk in and do whatever is necessary, that would be easier than phoning, although we still prefer email.
And is Ms. Manuel still working there? If so, perhaps she could contact us, and we could pick up where we left off?
Sorry if this sounds a bit testy; it's just been a very frustrating experience. We're very much looking forward to finally getting it all straightened out again, and hope that this will happen soon.
Thank you,
Nick & Sandy