2005-07-20 Josh email
From HypertWiki
08/28 02/03 |
- Responds to: 2005-06-27 Josh email
Subject: | RE: CAP & Other Services |
Date: | Wed, 20 Jul 2005 12:13:57 -0400 |
Thread-Topic: | CAP & Other Services |
Thread-Index: | AcV7Ok3HxRErXInmRZu/7hZG0l8nBASC3hvA |
From: | "Alston, Carla" <AlstonC> @ mh.co.durham.nc . us |
To: | "Sandy Hall" <harena> @ ownedbycats . org |
X-OriginalArrivalTime: | 20 Jul 2005 16:13:57.0270 (UTC) |
X-BCN: | Meridius 1000 Version 3.1 on smtp.co.durham.nc.us |
X-BCN-Sender: | AlstonC | @mh.co.durham.nc .us
Sandy was you able to get in contact with Kaye Crossland. She and I talked and currently you are open at The Arc. She can assist you with getting a case manager and respite services. Let me know if this has or has not happened. This is a follow-up to see what next step if any needs to be taken.