2005-02-17 Josh email
From HypertWiki
- Responds to: 2005-02-15 Josh email from us
From: | Robin Baker BakerR | @mh.co.durham.nc .us
To: | "'The Hypertwins'" <them> @ hypertwins . org |
Cc: | Carla Alston AlstonC | @mh.co.durham.nc .us
Subject: | RE: getting back in the system |
Date: | Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:41:09 -0500 |
X-Mailer: | Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) |
According to Theresa McGowan,OPC Case Manangement Supervisor, Health Choice did not denied the request for case management services. She stated that she would be glad to try the process again.
You can go to the Access Unit if you do not wish to communicate by phone. They are located at: 2609 N. Duke Street, Suite 900. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.