2005-03-07 Josh email

From HypertWiki
Subject: RE: getting back in the system
From: The Hypertwins <them-2025-03-16-02:52-spam@hypertwinsspam.org>
To: Robin Baker <bakerr-2025-03-16-02:52-spam@mh.co.durham.ncspam.us>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 12:22:15 -0500
X-Mailer: Evolution 2.0.2

Hi again Robin,

I wanted to update you on the situation. We stopped by The Durham Center last Tuesday (3/1) to reopen Josh's case.

When we arrived, the main receptionist was on the phone but a man in a police uniform said he would find someone to come talk with us. 20-30 minutes later nobody had become available, so we asked the receptionist (who was very helpful and nice) about making an appointment. She said that the DC doesn't make appointments and we basically just have to wait for someone to become available, but she took our contact information and offered to have someone call us back. Sandy gave them her cellphone number, just in case the call came while we were away from home. Nobody has called yet.

I should probably be clear and say that this has only added to our frustration over this situation, though you've probably picked up on that already ;-)

Apparently there is a form which the interviewer (i.e. whoever it is that would be speaking with us about Josh's case) needs to fill out -- would it be possible for us to get a copy of that form, fill it out, and email or fax it back in, if that would help speed things up?

We were also told that the process cannot be done over email due to confidentiality issues. For the record, we are perfectly willing to excuse whatever loss of confidentiality would be entailed by using email. Confidentiality is not even an issue for us in this case, and we are being hurt far more by having to use other channels than we would be hurt by "confidential" details in an email exchange somehow finding their way into other hands.

Please let me know what we can expect to happen at this point. Is someone from the Durham Center likely to be calling soon? If so, when?

Thanks very much for your help.


Sandy and Nick (on behalf of Josh Smith)