2002-01-04 SvsG Emails

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2003 Messages

2003 Overview

Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2003

22:26 from Lynne

Nick Notes

My recollection is that "receipts in the envelope" refers to receipts for the Xmas CD Project, and that it had been my idea to put up an envelope for collecting receipts. (The envelope of receipts was not retained by me; I presume that Lynne still has it.)


Message-ID: <01C1956E.D816D240spam@spamSWEETUMSspam.spam>
From: Lynne Griever <lynne-2024-06-1-20:53-spam@redhousespam.com>
To: "'N. Staddon'" <nspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
Subject: RE: phone bill
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 22:26:23 -0500

Actually, what I said was that the paycheck that will be coming in will cover bills to the point where we don't have to worry about figuring out the money quite so quickly. As in... I assumed that where we brought in $6,000 (just in December) and that there were many Star Wars Shirts involved and many shirts that were already in stock... that there would be enough cash to realize more than $1,000 in profits. I had initially thought that our part of the profits would go into the CD costs but the credit card processing went so slowly that we had to fork out the cash out of the money we had come in from The Task Force. There are approximately $1500 in receipts in the envelope from RDA.

Clearly, that is not is not relevant to the sales and split of the profits in the store this month. It just relates back to my comments about what I thought we'd see out the monies that came in this month. I figured there would probably be more than the thousand available to RDA. I also figured that we'd look at the needs of "The Store" and the needs of all of us and that we'd do what we needed to do to make it all work.

As I look at the road behind us... I realize that there will need to be a long conversation that would lead us to understand where we are now and all that lead to that. Then we need to talk about how things will be from here on out. I think that there have been some changes in the agreements that we made initially. We'll either need to agree to the changes as they have morphed in or agree to go back to the original agreements. I'm sure it's all workable and I have no anxt about any of it.

I plan to meet with Bob Eden in a few days to map out a plan for obtaining funds for operations of the store and backing for the marketing plan for the CD. We should try to get clarification about what our needs and expectations are before I meet with him.

Meanwhile, I have some ideas that will cut back on the amount that needs to go out in order to stay on top of things in the store. I'm reminding myself that this is an email...not a report or a novel...

We can talk when you get back. Safe travels..


Original Message

From: N. Staddon [SMTP:n-2024-06-1-20:53-spam@redhousespam.com]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:38 PM
To: Lynne Griever
Subject: Re: phone bill

Well, since she went ahead & paid it without consulting me, I'm sure we can delay repayment on it until next month's bill, at which time the money you would ordinarily have set aside for that bill (but which will now be taken care of by the credit you acquired by this one being double-paid) can go towards paying Livia.

Actually, I thought I had switched all the phone bills (and I mean ALL of them) to being sent to 2895, not 2870, but perhaps I am confused. I'll have to get back on the web site and see if I can fix that (again).

You had indicated earlier (if I'm remembering right) that you were going to be getting a paycheck from the Task Force, and that it would not all have to go towards bills this time i.e. there would be some left over for RH payback -- did this not happen? Luckily there is currently enough in the RH account to cover our immediate needs to place orders. I am still waiting to hear back from CardService (email) as to exactly what we need to do in order to switch bank accounts (to reduce the amount of capital that is taken out of service for every dollar of sales volume), but the person I've been corresponding with has actually been pretty good about staying on top of responses even when she doesn't get to answering for several days, so I'm hopeful I will receive a response soon.

Planning to head back to GA tomorrow (Sat.) morning; hope the weather front doesn't get there first...

c ya,


Lynne Griever wrote:


There needs to be something put in place that would avoid committing us to repay money that we did not agree to borrow. I'm sure that Livia meant well, however, we all agreed to check in before paying phone bills on our behalf as a result of problems that resulted from the same well-meaning intentions in the past. The 2770 bill has not been delivered to the right address from the beginning. Often, the bill, regardless of where it was delivered, would show up late ala jelly-finger-prints. I resolved to appreciate whatever creative arrival manifested... whenever it manifested. I call "Right Touch" and make arrangements about the phone bill and pay it as if it were never to arrive anywhere:

Through rain, or hail or sticky goo...
found on time or stuck to a shoe...
We pay it without a written wurd
so to pay it again is a little absurd...

Now what?

We have a $132.00 credit and the current bill paid with time to spare.

We are struggling like hell at the moment. I'm not sure what to do on this...
