2003-08-04 SvsG Emails

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2003 Messages

2003 Overview

Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2003


I think the timestamps must be wrong on some of these -- possibly the clock on Lynne's machine was set wrong -- because although my messages are clearly timestamped about 2 hours earlier than Lynne's, they are also clearly in reply to hers.

20:25 Lynne to Nick

From: "Homeless Task Force" <homelesstaskforcespam@spamhotmailspam.spamcom>
To: nick-2025-02-3-18:08-spam@redhousespam.com
Cc: lynne-2025-02-3-18:08-spam@ltpgaspam.com
Subject: Phone & partnership
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 20:25:16 +0000


Yes, I was very unclear about what you were saying. I thought you wanted mediation to save the partnership. I don't believe that you can discard a partner like you'd take out the trash but I guess you can try... Under the circumstances, I agree that it would not be a good idea not to engage in any more conversation than is necessary. Please do not interpret my lack of response to the spreadsheet as agreement. I do not agree with what I see, however, I was thinking that I might be more apt to understand where you are coming from with it if I had the break down of each year and how you arrived at these figures.

I do, however, remember that we discussed trying to put the three phone lines (706-549-0969 / 706-369-1594 / 706-613-2770) and associated ring masters out of your name in the early part of August. I've called the phone company and we can do this. We will be transferring the lines into Jessica's name. They want your social security number and a note from you that you approve the change. You could fax or email that directly to them and ask that it be put in the file of the accounts so that when I call in... you don't have to be on the phone... Just let me know when you've done it. If you do it today, I can handle all of that today or tomorrow. I will have to do a three-way with Jessica in order to do our end. I just need you to sign off on it...

Thanks, Lynne

18:32 Nick to Lynne

Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 18:32:58 -0400
From: "N. Staddon" <nspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
To: "Homeless Task Force" <homelesstaskforcespam@spamhotmailspam.spamcom>
Subject: Re: Phone & partnership

Homeless Task Force wrote:


Yes, I was very unclear about what you were saying. I thought you wanted mediation to save the partnership.

I'm willing to allow for the possibility that the mediation could save the partnership. From experience, however, I think it unlikely.

I don't believe that you can discard a partner like you'd take out the trash but I guess you can try...

Any business relationship may be terminated by either party. I have not treated Bubba or you "like trash"; I have been trying for months (at least) to resolve a number of issues, some of them going back almost to the very beginning of the relationship (as you well know). You demean my efforts by describing them this way, and you show that you truly do not understand or appreciate the lengths to which I have gone to maintain our relationship.

Would you still be using my computers if I were treating you like trash? Would I be carefully notifying you when I make changes that may affect you (e.g. the internet) if I were treating you like trash? Would I have continued to provide all the other various internet-related services I have been providing without payment? I can only suppose you haven't encountered genuine trash-treatment from anyone yet.

Under the circumstances, I agree that it would not be a good idea not to engage in any more conversation than is necessary. Please do not interpret my lack of response to the spreadsheet as agreement. I do not agree with what I see, however, I was thinking that I might be more apt to understand where you are coming from with it if I had the break down of each year and how you arrived at these figures.

The breakdowns of each year are on the separate tabs at the bottom of the page (all the spreadsheets I have sent this year have these tabs). There are also separate tabs for the Benz and for vbz sales.

I can't help wondering why you are only asking this question now. Does this mean that this is the first time you have had any interest in seeing the accounting itemized?

I do, however, remember that we discussed trying to put the three phone lines (706-549-0969 / 706-369-1594 / 706-613-2770) and associated ring masters out of your name in the early part of August. I've called the phone company and we can do this. We will be transferring the lines into Jessica's name. They want your social security number and a note from you that you approve the change. You could fax or email that directly to them and ask that it be put in the file of the accounts so that when I call in... you don't have to be on the phone... Just let me know when you've done it. If you do it today, I can handle all of that today or tomorrow. I will have to do a three-way with Jessica in order to do our end. I just need you to sign off on it...

Will do. I will have to figure out the best way to do it. Do you have the number for faxing in my consent?



20:41 Lynne to Nick

From: "Homeless Task Force" <homelesstaskforcespam@spamhotmailspam.spamcom>
To: Nick-2025-02-3-18:08-spam@redhousespam.com
Cc: b-2025-02-3-18:08-spam@ltpgaspam.com
Subject: Spreadsheet
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 20:41:12 +0000

Note: This may be a duplicate message. It looks like I sent it to myself instead of you.... My apologies if you get this twice...


I've tried several times to download and print out this spreadsheet. Each time it gives me 2 pages of data that is without detail and over 20 pages that say "Summary" at the top and then there are several dark lines that run all the way across the page.... ie:









I mentioned this to you before but did not get a response. Maybe the only way to get all of the pages to us is to send them hard copy. We cannot possibly go over this if we do not have the specifics.

Please let me know if you will send hard copy.



18:45 Nick to Lynne

Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 18:45:15 -0400
From: "N. Staddon" <nspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
To: Homeless Task Force <homelesstaskforce-2025-02-3-18:08-spam@hotmailspam.com>
Subject: Re: Spreadsheet

?? That makes no sense... are you loading the .xls file in Microsoft Excel? What does it look like when you select "Print Preview" (under the File menu)? You may need to tweak the "adjust to" percentage to get everything so it's not split horizontally across multiple pages. Also try landscape instead of portrait, and print only pages which have actual data on them (scroll through the preview before printing).

Bubba should be able to help you with the printing, if you get stuck.

If none of that works, let me know and I'll try something else.

N. P.S. This is the first I had heard of the printing problems. I was assuming you were looking at it on the computer.

Nick Notes

I did eventually send a hard copy. First I used OpenOffice Calc to export everything to PDFs -- which took a fair amount of doing, getting everything to format nicely without stretching horizontally across multiple sheets and being legible and everything. I first tried sending them the PDFs (hmm, guess I haven't uncovered that email yet) but never heard back about whether it worked. And then I send hard copy along with a printout of another email, later on.