From HypertWiki
< Woozle
Main Projects
- vbz.net, an online retail endeavor
- Issuepedia, a wiki-based site for discussing and documenting public issues (including local ones) and personal opinions
- CWRE, The Center for Wingnut Remedial Education: kind of an auxiliary to Issuepedia
- HTYP, a wiki-based online "directory of everything" and "technical manual for the universe"; trying to turn it into a real-world resource database
- I write and record music. I've also been in a couple of bands which didn't go anywhere but recorded some stuff maybe worth listening to.
- comics I drew a long, long time ago before there were webcomics:
- Clarence the Rock, 1992 or so (using Windows 3.0 and Microsoft Paint!)
- Store Trek
As of 2017, I'm still pulling back up after being essentially buried by co-responsibility for Harena's autistic son, whom we finally placed in a good long-term group home in February 2011. (I keep going back and forth between trying to earn a living and trying to do something useful. Funny how those two are incompatible.)
On Google+, I took a poll about what I should be working on.
The Side Burner
The Obscure Stuff
I used to be active on:
- LessWrong (wiki): discussion about rationality
- Triangle Hackerspace (joined 2010-08-06)
- Wikipedia et al.
- BJaoDN (mainly for the purpose of communicating about wiki vandalism)
- probably other places I can't think of at the moment
- My comments on IntenseDebate, the forum service used by Change.gov – i.e. you can see all the comments I made at Change.gov by going to that link.
- I also installed IntenseDebate on
Issuepediaas an experiment, but it didn't turn out to be useful
- I also installed IntenseDebate on