Woozle's Audio Weirdness

From HypertWiki

Woozle: audio: weirdness

Most of these were originally encoded in RealAudio, and the files got lost in a server migration. I could probably find them on a backup somewhere, but as I am no longer supporting RealAudio, I'd much rather re-encode them. This will happen as soon as I can find the source cassettes.

Musical Intermanglings

"Break-In" Records

à la "Mr. Jaws"

Summer Nights in White Satin (and some aren't)

MP3 This almost certainly belongs on the Top 10 List of the Oddest Things I Have Ever Created. The premise is that you're listening to the song "Summer Nights" from the movie Grease (1978), and other songs are cutting in and making rude comments every line or two. I mostly did this in 1979 or so, then re-did it in maybe 1986 (because I had a better tape recorder by then, and the old tape sounded really horrible). Many of the comments are either stupid or just kinda huh?, but a few of them I really like. (It helps if you know the words to the main song already.)

Credit should go to Lucy and Charles Whitfield, wherever they may be, for coming up for the original inspiration of making rude comments to songs from Grease. Hey, it was the seventies still; disco was king, we were tired of hearing about it, and it was fun to say "John Revolting and Olivia Neutron-Bomb". (Maybe I'll put up some of the tapes we made of our rude comments. If I can find them.)

I'll give a special prize to anyone who can correctly name all the songs in any of the audio-paste pieces (this piece and the answering machine messages). I don't know what. Make a suggestion.

WPUP Contest Parodies

In 1997, local radio station WPUP 103.7 "The Bulldog" was changing ownership, and they decided to have a contest before the official hand-off. Listeners were invited to send in their parodies or original songs on any topic, with preference given to songs about the station. These were my two entries. I like #2 better, because even if the vocals are horrible at least they're deliberately horrible.

  • (audio temporarily unavailable) Hey Bulldog 103.7
    • based on: "Hey Bulldog" by The Beatles from Yellow Submarine.
    • human vocals: Woozle (with apologies)
    • canine vocals: Penelope the Wonder Shepherd and Her Band of Puppies
  • (audio temporarily unavailable) Jeremiah Was a Bulldog
    • based on: "Joy to the World" by Hoyt Axton as recorded by Three Dog Night
    • vocals: Woozle (Enraged Muppet, Opera Man, & harmony), Lynne of the RDA (chorus)
The canine vocals were completely unrehearsed and unplanned; sometimes these things just happen... (Penelope died a few months later leaving the world this, her final artistic legacy.)

Edit Log

  • 1999.07.02 static page created at www.redhouse.com/nick/audio
  • 2003.12.28 update
  • 2005-11-23 moved to hypertwiki
  • 2006-07-02 fixed audio links after server migration
  • 2012-02-02 moved answering machine messages to their own page; changed TMBG911 transclusion to a link