Clarence the Rock

From HypertWiki
Intro through #6 were drawn with a mouse using MS Paint on Windows 3.11 in approximately 1993. They were printed out on a dot-matrix printer for publication in The Athens Observer. Printer drivers at that time weren't expected to handle things like aspect-ratio conversions, and I had to draw the images stretched vertically so they would look right on the printout. (I've fixed them for the web.)









After that, my life kinda changed to the point where I didn't have time to do the strip properly, but I did come up with a few sketches.

Clarence the Rock Breakfast Cereal — now available at all USGS Superstores and Rok-Mart!

Dances with Rocks, the thrilling stunner blockbuster epic hit movie starring Clarence the Rock and Kevin Mossner!

H. Rock Perot explains the budget deficit!

Version of this with captions: User:Woozle/blog/2013-01-22 1423/Clarence the Rock presents

More Ideas

I'm still trying to figure out what the visual should be for "Clarence's Rock Massage Parlour". ("All staff guaranteed spathic"?)