Clarence the Rock
From HypertWiki
Intro through #6 were drawn with a mouse using MS Paint on Windows 3.11 in approximately 1993. They were printed out on a dot-matrix printer for publication in The Athens Observer. Printer drivers at that time weren't expected to handle things like aspect-ratio conversions, and I had to draw the images stretched vertically so they would look right on the printout. (I've fixed them for the web.) |
After that, my life kinda changed to the point where I didn't have time to do the strip properly, but I did come up with a few sketches.
Clarence the Rock Breakfast Cereal — now available at all USGS Superstores and Rok-Mart!
Dances with Rocks, the thrilling stunner blockbuster epic hit movie starring Clarence the Rock and Kevin Mossner!
Version of this with captions: User:Woozle/blog/2013-01-22 1423/Clarence the Rock presents
More Ideas
I'm still trying to figure out what the visual should be for "Clarence's Rock Massage Parlour". ("All staff guaranteed spathic"?)