Josh pages

Josh (born 1992-12-12) is Sandy's second-oldest. He is autistic. He is generally unable to communicate, even using hand-gestures (pointing, touching object, holding up object).
He is very healthy, though, and quite clever, dextrous, and strong. Given all that, he has always been a little difficult to control -- but he was generally happy as a child, so it wasn't as much of a problem.
This part needs updating:
Since hitting adolescence in 2007 or so he has gotten much bigger and stronger; he is now larger than Sandy, and able to resist all but the most strenuous and determined efforts to force him physically.
Josh is also unusually interactive for an autistic person; he smiles, gives eye contact, laughs, and plays possum sometimes when he knows he has to do something but doesn't want to; his main issue seems to be with communication.
Josh has been happily living in a group home run by RHA Howell since late Feburary, 2011. The story of everything leading up to that is here.
- Need to reorganize the /facts, behavior, and group home pages; some overlap and some missing areas.
- 2006-2007 Githens
- 2007-2008 Jordan High School
- 2008-2009 Jordan
- 2009-2010 Jordan, then wouldn't go to school, then Hughes Center
- 2011 left Hughes Center, moved to permanent home with RHA Howell