
From HypertWiki
  • 2009/12/01/webmail to Residential Services NC
  • VO approved the service (miracle!), but then the original home backed out. Touchstone found another home, which gave Josh a trial overnight -- and then backed out as well. Touchstone now says that Josh needs Comprehensive CAP. So we have about 20 days left on an approval for which we had to fight tooth and nail, but we can't get anyone to provide the service.
  • 2009-10-13 Josh's Case Manager submitted the latest Residential Services application to ValueOptions. The previous request was denied in 14 days, and that was with some amount of hold-up because of the insurance numbers changing (Medicaid invalid, tried to use Health Choice), so we should be hearing back by the 27th.
  • 2009-09-18: Josh's Medicaid card arrived in the mail; resuming the hunt for a group home
  • 2009/09/01/Behavior Plan for Josh Smith: has good suggestions in a few places, but doesn't always have its facts straight
  • 2009-08-05 Josh has an appointment for a psych consultation with this guy on August 21. This is in part because Josh is refusing to go out with his new worker, so she either needs to be giving him some communication therapy (for which she would need at least a plan, hopefully some materials) or else we need to figure out why Josh won't let us get him dressed so she can take him out. I could force the issue the same way we did with getting him to school (see 5/21, below), but I don't want to set it up as something for him to fight (oppositional behavior).
    • Also, we found out that if we get a physician to sign a DMA-5045 stating that Josh needs out-of-home care lasting more than 12 months, then Medicaid will look only at Josh's income ($0) rather than Sandy's -- and he should thus definitely qualify for Medicaid indefinitely. Currently trying to make that appointment.
  • 2009-05-21 We seem to have found the way around this: shove Josh out to the car in his underwear, drive him to school, and get him dressed in the parking lot. Both times I have done this (see 2009/05/18), he became passive or even cooperative as soon as he was out the door, and the second time (this past Monday) he put on his socks, pants, etc. as requested and got out of the car without a fight. --Woozle 13:59, 21 May 2009 (UTC)
  • 2009-05-12 For the past 2 days, Josh has adamantly refused to get dressed for school, so we've had to keep him at home. This has messed up our lives even more than usual, and we're desperately trying to get him into any other living situation, even if it isn't ideal.
  • 2009/03/31/webmail to David Price re the Group Homes Catch-22
  • 2009/03/19/comments to ASNC
  • 2009-02-17 Durham Center complaint response: Ms. Sved upholds the reduction in hours, with some logic which doesn't make sense to me.
  • 2009-01-27 Josh's service hours are reduced yet again (the first time was budgetary, but this time they're citing some bureaucratic gobbledlygook which I read as "you're not using the hours appropriately")