
From HypertWiki
Revision as of 15:19, 1 August 2011 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Too Much Information: taking off message to family until such time as it seems needed again)

Introduction to Woozles

A woozle is a phenomenon caused by obsessively following one's own footsteps while thinking you are covering new ground. The presence of a woozle generally can be taken as an indication that you have become too focused on your immediate task and need to take a look at the larger picture in order to see where you have gone wrong.

Introduction to This Woozle

This particular woozle, officially known as Nick Staddon, can be contacted via various methods listed here, and is commonly found in Durham, NC (where it lives with its hypertwin, Harena) and various places on the internet.

(Woozle's internal/notes page is here, but most of it probably won't mean anything to anyone else.)

Woozle is now switching to first person for the rest of this page. Do not adjust your sets.


The Important Stuff

  • Issuepedia, a wiki-based site for discussing and documenting public issues (including local ones) and personal opinions
  • HTYP, a wiki-based online "directory of everything" and "technical manual for the universe"; trying to turn it into a real-world resource database
  • I write and record music. I've also been in a couple of bands which didn't go anywhere but recorded some stuff maybe worth listening to.
    • My original recordings are here
    • Recordings from my first band, MoG, are here
    • A couple of other musical projects are not yet online
    • Some other not-really-musical recordings are here
  • comics I drew a long, long time ago before there were webcomics:
  • Clarence the Rock, 1992 or so (using Windows 3.0 and Microsoft Paint!)
  • Store Trek

The Side Burner

  • vbz.net, an online store which is operating but under reconstruction.
  • Various computer services which will eventually have a web site of their own:
    • On-site computer service (including Windows and Linux)
    • Web site programming (MediaWiki, MySQL, and PHP a specialty)

I'm kind of just starting to recover from being essentially buried by co-responsibility for my hypertwin Harena's autistic son, whom we finally placed in a good long-term home in February 2011. I keep going back and forth between trying to earn a living and trying to do something useful. Funny how those two are incompatible.

The Back Burner

There are a number of things I'd like to be doing but lack one or more critical elements.

  • Recording studio: I have enough equipment to set up a small but income-generating recording studio; I lack the space, and I also wouldn't have the time to run it on a daily basis (at least until the Josh situation improves). I could, however, help get it set up and put some time into technical maintenance.
  • VBZ expansion: I ultimately want to make vbz.net easier to run and hand over its daily operation to someone else; eventually I'd like to see it move into a physical storefront, and expand from there. I would also like to offer more work by local artists and musicians, as this is why I got into online retail in the first place.

The Obscure Stuff

You can also find me at:

Too Much Information