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Staddon vs. Griever: Timeline Synopsis


Timeline of Events Relating to Staddon vs. Griever: The Cliff's Notes Version

Dates in italics are approximate; details in italics are subjective

The Timeline

When Description
1995.08.14 Cox-Staddon Enterprises is incorporated.
1995.10. Red House sets up web sites for local musicians
1995.11.19 Lynne & Bubba arrive at Tipi Village
1996.02.16 Red House Store is online & receiving orders
1996.04.17 Planning for “Day Trip” music fest w/Grievers
1996.04.29 Day Trip has apparently concluded

Lynne offers to help keep things in the Tipi Village under control

1996.05.15 Problems with Chris Cox
1996.07.29 Nick sets up redhouse.com email account for Bubba to use.

Disused Griever vehicles begin to accumulate at 2895 Danielsville Rd.

Lynne & Bubba offer trade-out; Bubba gets office & key to red house

1996.08.04 Red House registers & pays for vbz.net domain, which goes largely unused at first
1996.10.26 Shanti Fest organized by Bubba, Lynne, Nick, & others, held in the “Tipi Village” area.
1996.12. Lynne Griever assists Nick with termination of Chris’s involvement with Red House/CSE.
1997.02.17 Nick helps put together a web site for the RDA, and Red House hosts it
1997.05.23 Nick and Livia file for bankruptcy
1997.06.20 Lynne and Bubba incorporate The ReDistribution Alternative, Inc. (“RDA”)
1997.06.24 Red House loans RDA $100 to open their bank account
1997.07.10 Hackers cause problems with redhouse.com; store is offline
1997.07.16 Music fest stage has fallen down, no further concerts possible at this point
1997.08.14 Red House Store is apparently still offline; Nick is hoping to fix it by the end of August.
1997.09.13 AthensNet.com goes under; Red House Store down again

Nick accepts programming job in Wisconsin; Lynne and Bubba to “mind the store”

Livia buys a beat-up old Datsun ($900), Nick having taken the family Nissan to Wisconsin.

Bubba requests permission to pursue additional lines of merchandise

1997.10.01 Nick arrives in Wisconsin. Nick continues handling web site maintenance and store orders..
1997.10.28 Nick returns to Wisconsin after visiting GA for a few days
1998.? Lynne asks for permission set up temporary “food pantry” (see also 1998.06.11)
1998.02.11 Bubba chiropractic care tradeout for web work

Bubba sends Nick a list of suppliers to add to store but no details

1998.03.15 Nick is able to get the Red House Store working again.
1998.03.27 Nick is frustrated by L&B's store-minding shortcomings
1998.04.15 Bubba emails Nick a list of a few dozen t-shirts (The Mountain) to add to the store.
1998.04.29 New t-shirts are online but have not been tested for ordering glitches.
1998.05.04 Bubba asks Nick to add Alexander Flores to list of artists at the store.
1998.05.07 Nick is extremely frustrated with Bubba; issue of guilt vs. fixing the problem
1998.05.11 Nick emphasizes importance of emailing significant information
1998.05.12 Nick is very stressed by Wisconsin job
1998.05.19 Nick helps with Mad Housers page within RDA's web site; more store-minding frustration
1998.05.28 Nick asks Bubba if he needs a daily reminder to deal with the issue emailed on 5/19.
1998.05.29 Nick sends Bubba “no response #1” including a to-do list
1998.06.01 Nick sends Bubba “no response #2” to the 5/29 email, with updates.
1998.06.02 Nick sends Bubba “no response #3” to the 5/29 email, with ultimatum
1998.06.03 Bubba says he thought the issues had been dealt with via IM “last night”
1998.06.04 Nick responds and sends Bubba an updated list of priorities.
1998.06.11 Bubba says “things should be back to [normal when] you get here.”

Significant email exchange (“flog the peasants” etc.).

1998.07.25 Nick visits Georgia to retrieve some items and take care of miscellaneous business.
1998.08.14 $300 loan to RDA
1998.08.15 Nick drives back to Wisconsin
1998.08.29 Nick drives down to GA; food pantry is still there, B's office is a bedroom

Extensive redesign of store, under pressure from L&B
Nick buys Livia a used Honda to replace the beat-up Datsun. The Grievers begin borrowing the Datsun soon after this.

1998.09.24 Nick drives back to WI
1998.10.19 Last day of Pierce contract. Nick returns to Athens, gets contract with an Athens company.
1998.11.08 Nick performs with the Grievers at Shanti Fest #2
1998.12.03 “When will the control room stop being a bedroom? When will pantry be gone?”

Nick buys Livia an old beat-up pick-up truck ($1000, plus another $1000 or so for repairs)

1999.03.24 L&B begin borrowing the pickup truck, often without asking, returned late, things missing
1999.04 Nick and Livia sell the Datsun to Lynne and Bubba for $300 (?)
1999.04.15 Bubba totals the Datsun with Lynne and their son Jody in the car; all hospitalized

About a month later, Bubba is burned by gasoline while repairing another vehicle; more hospitalization

1999.09. Nick and Bubba set up web site (gceh.org) for GCEH. Nick/CSI fronts hosting costs ($15.95/mo)
2000.06.06 Nick is still doing maintenance on gceh.org without pay & covering hosting costs
2000.10.30 RDA registers redistribution.org domain; no hosting yet
2000.12. Nick completes another major design revision of vbz.net
2001.02 GCEH web site is officially canned; Nick sets up redistribution.org hosting
2001.04.04 Lynne declines suggestion to repay loan via post-dated check

Bubba is working for Lofty Ideas at this point.

Nick has given L&B a copy of the accounting; Lynne says they can't do anything yet

Lynne promises to pay the current batch of bills “around the 25th to the 27th“

2001.04.20 Nick & Livia visit NC; Lynne asks for a $200 loan. Lynne working for GA Task Force.
2001.04.26 Nick is frustrated with non-responsiveness from B. B has set up another freebie web deal
2001.05.16 Nick sends Lynne a reminder for $130.15 of phone bills which Nick has paid.
2001.05.24 unexpected charge on check card. Nick reminds Lynne of need for written list of charges
2001.05.25 Nick inquires about whether Lynne has paid back several other charges (total $235)
2001.05.26 mysterious charge on personal check card; Lynne says she already told Nick about it
2001.05.28 Sandy and Charles visit Athens en route to Atlanta
2001.05.29 Lynne mentions having written a $330 check to Nick but holding off delivering it
2001.06.10 Nick asks Lynne for permission to haul off Frank & Jess's disused and deteriorating car
2001.06.10 Lynne asks to put off making a decision, preferring to work on moving the big bus
2001.06.10 Nick agrees to this
2001.06.13 Nick's job at Carrier ends. Nick devotes available time to making vbz.net profitable.
2001.06.16 Lynne requests a $200 loan in addition to $400 apparently already loaned, plus an extension on that earlier loan. Lynne apologizes for continual borrowing.
2001.07.10 mysterious BellSouth charge ($141.10, 6/22) on Mastercard. Reminder to list charges.
2001.07.11 Lynne claims having discussed it with Nick verbally and having already paid him same day.
2001.07.11 Lynne's complicated list of transactions with explanations

Nick sets up a new computer for Lynne to use instead of booting Bubba off his.

2001.07.16 Nick and Anna go to visit Sandy in NC; leaves rush order in Bubba's chair
2001.07.18 Nick asks if the rush order went out on time, forwards another customer inquiry
2001.07.19 Nick & Anna return to GA. another customer inquiry to B. lack of contact
2001.07.31 Lynne says they will be busy with lofts 8/9-8/14
2001.08.02 Nick asks L&B about plans to pay for hosting for redistribution.org.
2001.08.06 was Bubba able to find out information for large order (Flores)
2001.08.07 Having heard nothing back from Bubba, Nick attempts to contact Flores Art by email.
2001.08.08 Nick asks Bubba or Lynne to please try and find out the status of yet another order.
2001.08.09 Lynne replies... Nick is frustrated by the response.
2001.10.05 Nick reminds Lynne & Bubba about the redistribution.org hosting charges.
2001.10.10 Nick discovers the deadbolt on the back door has been left open overnight.

Nick calls to cancel “HLNA Platinum”charge of Lynne's, which Lynne has indicated was in error

2001.10.?? Nick assumes musical production duties to finish off the RDA’s Benefit CD project
2001.10.26 Estimated start of Benz rental
2001.10.26 Nick uses up his last $400 of credit towards Benefit CD project
2001.11.01 Nick moves to Red House, by mutual agreement with Livia. Divorce is planned.
2001.11.10 $200 due for Benz rental, plus $139.71 in RDA phone bills due 11/19
2001.11.26 Nick does web work to assist with Benefit CD project
2001.11.28 Livia begins leaving boxes of Nick's stuff at Red House, exacerbating a crowded situation.
2001.12 Intensive Benefit CD recording and mixing sessions through most of December
2001.12.14 The Mad Housers ask for madhousers.org domain
2001.12.22 Benefit CD is finished around this date.
2001.12.23 Siegert order fiasco – see 12/24, 12/26, 1/9
2001.12.? “short term” $500 loan to cover Benefit CD costs
2001.12.26 $500 transfer-to-Nick almost-fiasco; see also 12/27, 12/28
Early 2002 Livia announces that rent will be going up; Nick decides to move out
2002.01.03 More frustration; Livia pays phone bill unexpectedly; Long Conversation needed
2002.01.06 Lynne has by now written herself a second check for $500, without permission; also 1/7
2002.01.08 Nick is frustrated at lack of responsiveness from B.
2002.01.09 Siegert order fiasco culmination
2002.01.19 Nick asks Lynne if there is a budget to pay for redistribution.org
2002.01.23 Lynne says no, any funds available from sales?. Nick says cut costs. Problem debit.
2002.01.24 KEY EMAIL from Nick discussing value of services exchanged and other issues
2002.01.25 Lynne says can cover future hosting charges, and she believes RDA has paid back its debt
2002.01.26 SunTrust unexpectedly sends another check card
2002.01.30 Nick (in NC) asks Bubba to IM when he gets in. Lynne replies that Bubba is outside.
2002.01.31 More frustrated email from Nick to B. Nick still in NC. back & forth over supplier orders.
2002.02.01 latest RDA phone bills ($244.87 and $366.81). Lynne plans to set up “3 line special”
2002.02.03 Nick decides to stay a little longer in NC to finish some work on the vbz database
2002.02.05 Cable disconnection notice (5/5, 5/6)
2002.02.06 Nick asks about unpaid rental on the Benz, emphasizes urgency; Lynne says $100
2002.02.08 Nick forwards the latest RDA phone bill ($120.24) to Lynne.
2002.02.13 Nick plans another trip to NC; Bubba replies sarcastically to the idea.
2002.02.14 Frank Jeffers emails Nick with severe criticisms of RDA
2002.02.20 Nick heads back to NC after brief visit
2002.02.25 (email to L&B) Nick discusses improvements, plans, financial issues.
2002.02.26 Lynne's puts heavy pressure on Nick to stay in Athens for the sake of Bubba's motivation
2002.02.28 Nick heads back to Athens.
2002.03.01 Nick says financial situ impossible, RDA pays $200 towards Benz, balance is $1600
2002.03.06 Nick sends Lynne KEY EMAIL discussing terms; Lynne's response is a KEY EMAIL Lynne gives Nick $35 to go towards redistribution.org hosting.
2002.03.10 Nick updates the credit card for the redistribution.org hosting so it is valid again
2002.03.19 Bubba plush-bears backorder fiasco ($471.15 + $408.43)
2002.03.21 Nick begins working for Juliet Easton (in Athens) in order to have operating cash.
2002.04.08 (9:37 pm) Lynne sends Nick a clear list of transactions, without any dates.
2002.04.12 Lynne sends Nick a further list of transactions plus check to cover (no dates, no check #).
2002.? Mid-April through early May, Nick moves out of Red House and mostly to Hull Rd.
2002.05.08 Benz tag & insurance due, total $241.37. Benz rental balance $2600
2002.05.09 Nick announces plans to be in NC (at Sandy's) approximately 5/11-5/18.
2002.05.11 Lynne sends Nick an email saying “we need to talk about money”.
2002.05.17 More frictionish emails between Nick (in NC), Bubba, and Lynne (finance, responsiveness)
2002.06.11 The Red House Break-In occurs while Nick is in NC; Nick drives down to GA p.m.
2002.06.13 L&B are “overwhelmed” by work involved with Nick/RH moving into Hull Road
2002.06.16 Nick plans to continue sleeping over at RH at least until phone lines are moved
2002.06.24 Nick emails Lynne about SunTrust account, consistency; 6/24-6/26
2002.06.27 Nick is still moving stuff out of Red House.
2002.06.30 SIGNIFICANT EMAIL: Nick tries to delineate vbz roles
2002.07.01 Nick gives Livia 30 days' notice that he is moving out of Red House.
2002.07.02 Lynne contacts Livia to ask about first refusal of Red House after Nick moves out.
2002.07.09 Nick finishes re-building a shelf for his LP records in NC (having moved the records there)
2002.07.10 Nick returns to Athens
2002.07.11 Nick asks after two blank checks he apparently gave Lynne, #1338 and #1345.
2002.07.12 Nick is apparently driving to NC again (done moving out of RH, except for shed)
2002.07.21 Nick returns to Hull Road.
2002.08.07 SunTrust account has gone negative again, for reasons that aren't clear.
2002.08.08 RDA's credit differential since 7/30 is now negative $325.48; Lynne wants f2f convo
2002.08.10 Nick recommends against waiting for a f2f, doesn't expect to be around much
2002.08.14 Nick also asks Lynne when RDA will check card so they don't have to keep using RH's
2002.08.20 check #1355 for $1000 was returned unpaid. Nick asks again about RDA check card.
2002.08.22 Nick moves stuff out of the RH storage shed
2002.08.28 Nick writes RH check for $207.27 to keep the cable from being shut off @ Hull Rd.

Nick asks again about plans for RDA check card.

2002.08.29 Nick says “I am definitely going to need a key” to the Hull Rd. house.

Nick goes back to NC with another load of stuff (personal & merchandise)

2002.08.31 Lynne bizarrely insists that Livia extend the RH “move out” date to 9/9.
2002.09.01 Redistribution.org moved to Red House's new dedicated server.
2002.09.06 RDA makes some new charges on the card, no email; discussion of spreadsheet
2002.09.16 Sandy and Charles's divorce is finalized. Nick officially moves in with Sandy.
2002.09.21 Nick has problems with the way B is handling shipping.
2002.09.25 Unexpected $350 check written by Lynne; Lynne's sig privileges revoked; major emails
2002.10.05 Nick returns to Hull Road, in part for a face-to-face meeting requested by Lynne.
2002.10.06 SIGNIFICANT EMAIL (“hello, hornets”); meeting postponed, causing later controversy
2002.10.07 Nick adds a couple more agenda items, including overdue gas bill and asking for Benz keys
2002.10.11 Nick (in NC) sends summary off financial discussion with Bubba, small spreadsheet
2002.10.12 B asks Nick to stay longer in Athens, but Nick doesn't like being in Athens these days
2002.10.24 RDA's bal-since-June now -$535.66. RDA bank account?. RH no longer floating RDA.
2002.12.01 Sandy attempts to pay for neutering of several cats at Hull Road. Bubba loses the check.
2002.12.14 Nick sets up streaming MP3s for the RDA Benefit CD web site.
2003.03.03 Nick suggests L&B should look for transactions to be included on final accounting
2003.03.15 Email exchange about storage and phone (3/15-3/19).
2003.04.28 Lynne discontinues the 3-for-1 phone line; RH ph acct ends up w/ bal of $470.58 due.
2003.04.30 Nick asks after 2003 merch images. Bubba has one dept ready. Nick wants img discs.
2003.05.02 Nick pays $207 towards the phone bill (other line?) as Lynne requests (not sure why)
2003.05.05 Lynne and Nick engage in some minor negotiations about the storage trailer.
2003.05.11 Sales share: B wants 50% in cash, 50% towards debt. Nick unhappy with B's shipping
2003.05.30 Nick and Sandy meet with accountants in Chapel Hill
2003.06.22 Key Conversation: Dispute over retrieving image discs, taking merch to NC
2003.06.24 Wednesday Key Phone Conversation: Nick insists on mediation for any further work.
2003.06.27 Subsequent emails emphasize communication problems between Nick and the Grievers.
2003.07.13 Nick plans visit to get some stuff from trailer; Lynne says Nick has “hijacked the store”
2003.07.14 Lengthy exchange of Significant Emails; Nick and Sandy depart for Athens
2003.07.15 N&S retrieve a few things from trailer, then back to NC. Nick asks about moving the Benz
2003.07.30 Nick tentatively plans to be in Athens 8/8, may be able to move the Benz, will need key
2003.07.31 Nick assists Lynne with a redhouse.com email problem.
2003.08.01 Lynne objects to Nick cancelling the RH phone line; Nick sends spreadsheet. Emails.
2003.08.29 Nick asks Lynne to mail him the Benz keys . (No reply?)
2003.09.20 Sunday Nick plans to be in Athens on 9/26 to move everything out of the trailer, maybe Benz too, maybe even piano; needs Benz keys. Prints copy of email and spreadsheet & mails them.
2003.09.24 Nick has changed to 10/3-4 for the Athens visit; no response from L&B
2003.09.25 Bubba calls at 5:42 pm needing tech help; Nick emails needed info.

Nick's visiting plans now 10/17-18 for sure.

2003.10.16 Nick's visiting date slips again when sitter is unavailable.

Nick also asks if L/B have any objections to having the car towed via phone (no response)

2003.10.30 Lynne told Neff trailers would be empty October 1, is unhappy about delays

Lynne says Nick has “stolen the business” and disputes validity of spreadsheet

2003.11.01 Nick responds; more logistical questions working towards moving stuff out.
2003.11.03 Bubba suggests a line-item for the spreadsheet. Bubba says Nick has acted poorly. Nick insists that Bubba communicate only in writing, please re-send dispute via email
2003.11.03 Bubba calls to say he will now stop calling. Bubba says he is still Nick's friend, chill...
2003.11.04 Bubba calls Nick a “pissy prick” and cc:s JERS. JERS says time to involve a lawyer.
2003.11.05 Lynne sends inconclusive email responding to Nick's 11/1 email

NC lawyer advises going to retrieve everything as soon as possible, unnanounced.

2003.11.23 Nick drives down to GA.
2003.11.24 The visit with the Uhaul and the police.
2003.11.25 Nick drives back to NC.
2003.11.28 Nick removes the last of the RDA email redirects (b-2024-10-17-03:21-spam@vbzspam.net)
2003.12.01 Nick hires people in Athens retrieve a few remaining crucial items from the trailer.
2003.12.05 Nick fills out warrant applications for the arrest of Lynne and Bubba

LaborReady moves the requested items out of the trailer.

2003.12.09 Bubba owes money to a company in Japan

Court summons arrives soon after, setting the court date as 1/8.

2004.01.08 Court date #1: L&B don't show up for the hearing
2004.01.14 Bubba owes $387 to a U.S. Company; they will initiate collection procedures on 1/31.