2001-07-11 SvsG Emails

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2001 Messages

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Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2001

19:06 from Lynne

Message-ID: <000801c10a5e$244834c0$04010a0aspam@spamathen1.ga.homespam.spamcom>
From: "Lynne Griever" <lynnespam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
To: "Nick Staddon" <nickspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
References: 3B4C79FB.5550B095|redhouse|com}}
Subject: Re: phone pmt on Sears card?
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 19:06:38 -0400
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400


I will go over my notes on what was going on those days and the checkbook, etc. to get the flavor of the specifics of the sitcheeashun and get back witcha either this evening or in the morning.



Original Message

From: "Nick Staddon" <nickspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
To: "Lynne Griever" <lynnespam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: phone pmt on Sears card?

Did I actually deposit that check, or did I end up giving it back to you in exchange for something? I don't have any record of depositing it, much less what account it went into.

Hopefully we'll talk this evening, but it would probably be a good idea to also get clear on this via email so (again) I'll have a record of it.



Lynne Griever wrote:


Yes, it was us and I wrote you a check for it that day and we talked about it. Your idea about keeping record by email is an excellent one. Then we can always go back to the date of the charge and check for the email about that. The email should contain "Sears Card" or something just as obvious in the subject.Then there would be an instant reference.

I'm on my way to Atlanta but I will be back this evening. If we need to get further clarification on that, we can talk then.



Original Message

From: "Nick Staddon" <nickspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
To: <lynne-2025-02-3-19:03-spam@redhousespam.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 9:22 PM
Subject: phone pmt on Sears card?

Hi Lynne,

The Sears MasterCard bill finally arrived, and there's a charge on it I don't recognize: BellSouth, $141.10, on June 22. Was that a charge you mentioned to me? I don't have an email from you mentioning it. There was something you paid me back for a week or two ago, but I don't have email from you about that to remind me -- just one more reason why we need to be sure to put this stuff in writing (preferably email) so I can remember it beyond the minute in which you tell me about it.

Anyway, was that you, and are we settled up for it? If it's not you, then I need to call Sears and have them take it off.



20:06 from Lynne


Apparently the space bar on Lynne's keyboard stopped working while she was typing this message, and she substituted periods for spaces. For the sake of legibility, I have edited these back to being spaces.


Message-ID: <001b01c10a66$86a09f60$04010a0aspam@spamathen1.ga.homespam.spamcom>
From: "Lynne Griever" <lynnespam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
To: "N." <nickspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
Cc: "Bubba" <bubbaspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
Subject: Sears Card
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 20:06:39 -0400
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400


On 6/21/01 I wrote you a check (ck# 2587) for $267.00. Shortly after that, before you cashed it, we decided that we (Bubba & I) would cover arrangements on 369-1534 and you would not cash the $267.00. I had written you a check for $330.00 (ck#2355) on 5/26 which included payment of the 369-1534 bill. That was the month that the phone bills kinda got buried and didn't get paid. I was the one to catch it on that line... lost space bar again.... Will finish this with the use of dots for spaces.

You offered to write a check for both months. I said I had already paid a big chunck and made arrangements on the rest. We agreed to just make a trade on it.

For email conformation on the other transaction this month regarding the card... I paid $250.00 to SunCom on the card and $164.00 for AAA totalling $414.00... I wrote check # 2606 for $414.00 the same day and deposited it into your account at Century South the next morning and brought you the Dslip.

Thank you...


I left the last page of the labels that got printed next to the keyboard of the computer in the control room... I will at least give you a call in a while to see if everything is okay with them or if there is anything I need to do... Thanks