Josh morning preparation

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These instructions apply during the school year,when Josh gets picked up by the DPS autistic bus at about 6:45.

Josh lunch preparation

  • defrost entire pack of Shelton's Turkey Franks
    • put in ziplock bag marked "please warm up" (so they know to microwave it)
  • sandwich bag of veggie chips
  • 3 Sprites -- put his initials on the caps of the Sprites -- put in gallon ziplock bag with his name and date
  • Fill his water bottle (but do not refrigerate; he won't drink it cold)

Put all this in his backpack.

Mondays and Wednesdays he has swimming, so put his swim shorts inside his towel (rolled-up) and put them in his backpack too (on those days).

waking/dressing Josh

~ 6:35: dress Josh - no need to cue for toilet; just tell him to get up, and he'll go.

He gets lunch at school, so no need to pack one
Get underwear while he's doing that, so you can hand it to him when he gets done with bathroom
2 gummies from yellow-cap bottle, 1 gummy from green-cap bottle
Back to living room for dressing:
  • socks (had written down "one by one", but he seemed fine with getting them both at once)
  • pants (he already has changed underwear)
  • shirt -- do the "how big is Joshy?" thing to cue him, and he might need help getting the shirt off
Back to kitchen for finishing up:
  • brush his hair (small hairbrush in bathroom cabinet)
  • "go and get your shoes" cues him to put away dirty clothes
  • He will get both shoes and put one on, but waits for it to be tied before putting on second one.
  • Check temperature (to decide if jacket is needed)
  • Cue for jacket -- he knows where "grey jacket" is
  • "zip yourself up"
  • "get your backpack"
  • He can unlock and open front door