Details for sitters
From HypertWiki
This page is an index to any information which might be needed by a childsitter, broken down into separate pages.
The same information is also available in a single long document (all the "details for sitters" pages combined into a single page) for printing: Details for sitters (complete).
- Individual details
- Josh details for sitters (lots of stuff)
Josh morning preparation: during the school year only
- Benjy details for sitters (short)
- Zander details for sitters (minimal)
- Josh details for sitters (lots of stuff)
- Routines and logistics
- Kindertaxi details for sitters (for sitter): when and where the pick-ups and drop-offs currently are
- Preparing kid lunches (for Dorothy)
Household routines for sitters(not applicable for this trip; kids are staying at Dorothy's)
Contents are being updated for June 2007 trip to California