From HypertWiki
Friday, January 15, 2010 (#15)
12:00 - ~13:00: Josh care review meeting over at the Home, which produced the following to-do list:
- make appointment with dermatologist
- to look at blackheads on scalp, acne on back -- possibly infection
- try Triangle Dermatology
- check up on dentist (if no response by Monday morning, send another email?)
- ask family doctor:
- med for sleeping
- not eating properly, so need doctor's order so Home can give him vitamins
send Erica a copy of the IEPdone 14:26- Ask Josh's teacher:
- daily reports?
- summer school?
- Bring clothes for Josh:
- pajama pants
- more t-shirts
- more underwear -- boxers this time
buy boxersdone ~14:00
- Contact SSI lawyer, find out options (S should actually qualify now)
- Find out if plumbing repairs will be done by Friday
to bring ASAP
- clothes (see above)
to bring whenever
- his computer & power lock-box
- his trampoline
...or does it make sense to do this? Do they have room for the trampoline? The computer might help him feel at home and not pace so much...