Saturday, October 5, 2002 (#278)
On this day:
- Woozle drove from Durham back down to Athens (having just driven up on 2002-10-03). Apparently the Pinecrest mailbox was vandalized sometime during this visit. "Still a shedload or two of stuff down here in Athens" apparently; Red House shed emptying-deadline was 2002/10/15.
More comments from email:
The other thing I'm down here for is to attempt to resolve (or to attempt to start resolving) some financial matters with the Grievers -- my figuring shows that they owe me some $800 just since June 1 (especially after Lynne took money out of the RH account which wasn't there and which I hadn't agreed she was owed), and their figuring shows that I owe them something like $1200, but apparently it's _much_ too complicated to resolve through email (even though I've sent them all my figures in a spreadsheet) and we have to do it "sitting down face-to-face". So here I am, waiting for them to be ready to sit down.
Point of that being that I'm not sure how much longer I will be on friendly terms with them, which may impose additional deadlines for having to get things out (the things I have over here at their place).
See 2002-09-30 SvsG Emails for the state of the disagreement more or less at this time.