
From HypertWiki
(Redirected from Category:Grievers)
$300 "loan" (1998)
$500 "loan - due 5/10" (2000)
$300 "emergency loan" (2000)
$600 emergency rent loan (2000)

This page is about the dispute between Woozle and former business associates Willard Dale "Bubba" Griever, his wife Lynne Moore Griever, and their not-for-profit corporation The ReDistribution Alternative, which resulted in Woozle filing a lawsuit ("Staddon vs. Griever") against them in January 2004.

The information on this web site should not be considered an authoritative source; for the official record of this case, please see the legal documents on file at the Athens-Clarke County Courthouse. Please also read the Disclaimers and Intentions before making any use of the information presented here.

The case went to trial in March of 2007, a verdict was returned in late 2007 or early 2008, and the Grievers' final appeal was denied in (I think) later 2008 or early 2009. (I need to check my emails to get the exact timeline and terminology.) My attorney pursued collection of the amount awarded for several years, but to no avail.

Keywords: Willard Griever, Willard D. Griever, Lynne Griever, Lynne and Bubba, Bubba Gee, Bahb Haaji


Latest - Opinions

  • 2007-09-07 case review: my take on the whole thing, six months post-trial but pre-verdict
  • 2007-03-06 thoughts on trial: Reactions to a couple of specific points that came up during the trial. More reactions later if I can get hold of a full transcript.

Other Stuff

Related Links

  • 2007-11-25 Second teen dies after crash: Bubba was involved in a fatal car accident, but only as a catalyst (underage driver recklessly passed him and lost control, then got creamed by a semi)
  • 2006-04-26 One City, Two Worlds: Red & Black article on homelessness, with a section about the Grievers at the end. The "homeless village in Danielsville" was probably the Tipi Village, behind the Red House; the "tenants on the land" would be me.
  • 1993-04-12 National Review article about child welfare - some Griever family history on pages 2 and 3 (page numbers possibly subject to change)
    • reprint in the HighBeam Encyclopedia
  • Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless
  • N2UG: a Bubba web site (N2UG originally stood for "New 2 You Golf")

$300 "emergency loan" (2001) $500 "emergency loan" (2001) $200 "emergency loan" (2001) $400 written by Lynne, purpose unknown (2002) $660 written by Lynne, purpose unknown (2002) $600 written by Bubba, purpose unknown (2002) $1250 written by Lynne without permission (2002) $1002 written by Lynne without permission (2002) $250 written by Lynne, purpose unknown (2002) $350 written by Lynne without permission (2002)