Woozle/to do/archive/2006-2007

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Revision as of 17:58, 16 December 2005 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (mediation pt 1)
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Time doesn't just fly; it tends to go first class and charge the tickets to my account.

What Woozle Is Doing Right Now

Entries are most recent first; to read in order, start at the end.



12:58, 16 Dec 2005 (EST): Just got done with The Dreaded Mediation, which now needs to be re-titled The Dreaded Mediation Phase I because it was such a big hit they're gonna make a sequel! Yay!!

Without giving away any "details", which the mediation agreement (of which I somehow don't have a copy, so I can't be quite sure), my guesses as to the Opposition's feelings about settling are much as I expected they would be, i.e. they are still convinced that they are the wronged party, and their settlement wishes are basically a mirror of my own. We're going to schedule another mediation date in January, and I need to put together an accounting of what they would have been owed if we had had a working sales agreement – with the understanding that I didn't make any such agreement, so don't owe them the amounts it will show. Last time I did such an accounting, however, the amount they were owed was still much less than their debt to me... but Lynne has apparently invented a new accounting method by which these things are to be figured... but I think it's even less favorable to them than my method was. I'm going to write it down here because I don't think I can reasonably be expected not to... and actually, although it sounds sensible enough when you first hear it, I don't know if I'll actually be able to reduce it to a formula.

What the mediator guy said that Lynne said was this: Let's say you have orders for 8 shirts, but you have to buy 12 in order to make the supplier's minimum. Let's also say you pay $10 per shirt to the supplier, and sell the shirts for $20 each. (All this is a reasonable approximation so far). So you're down $120 to buy the shirts from the supplier, but you gain $160 from the sale, leaving you a net profit of $40. Lynne considers the "80-20 split" to be calculated from that $40, i.e. I/vbz would owe Them ($40 x 0.8 =) $32, and keep the other $8.

Some minor loose ends, about which I'll make some assumptions:

  • I will assume that cost of shipping from supplier to vbz is included in the "cost of merchandise", and that the cost of shipping from vbz to the customer is deducted from the sale price. So (for example) if it cost $2 to send each of those 8 shirts, then each one only counts as $18, for a total of ($18 x 8 =) $144, leaving a profit of only $24 to be split up.

(to be finished later; need to use da phone)

What Woozle Was Doing Earlier


19:29, 13 Dec 2005 (EST): The China Inn on Hillsborough and Trent appears to be gorn :-( – we tried to go there to recharge after a combination of Highly Depleting Xmas Shopping, Christmas Shipping Madness, and this being the Week of the Evil Mediation, and the place was all closed up; no lights, no signs. It was our favorite Chinese place in the area (including Chapel Hill); now we're stuck with China Buffet) until we find another place.

This is, of course, The Week From Hell... although it's not as bad as the last week before Christmas in 2002 was, when I had to frantically catch up with all the shipping that couldn't be done while the power was out.


13:07, 10 Dec 2005 (EST): Yesterday, went to Southpoint Mall to get a last-minute birthday present, and took pictures. (We had wandered in there once a couple of months ago after seeing Serenity, and happened to see some rather nice and inexpensive wooden xylophones at one of the cart-vendor stands. Fortunately, the same vendor was still there yesterday and still had the xylophones.) Today, finishing off Zion Rootswear shipping from the restock which arrived a day or two ago.


22:07, 5 Dec 2005 (EST): The lawyer wants another retainer.


13:40, 3 Dec 2005 (EST) Listening to Joni Mitchell (I've had "The Same Situation" running through my head for several days now, but right now am listening to Turbulent Indigo which I haven't listened to much) and working on DriveFerret. It seems to be confirmed that Anna is coming back with me when I go down for the mediation on December 16 because her school lets out for winter break the same day -- but this means I have to wait until she gets out of school and then drive home, which means I will be driving back fairly late. I hope I'm not too tired.


19:51, 2 Dec 2005 (EST) Today was the day of the big Move Of The Old Desk down to the basement. Also David Burnette stopped by again, begging for a ride, at about 7:30. We're now actively wondering why he stays out so late if he's not up to the bike ride home (or taking a bus); it's like he's addicted to soliciting for money or something, and doesn't know when to stop. Or does his client give him a portion of proceeds, so he has to work long hours in order to pay his bills? Something just doesn't add up. (I meant to ask him if his client could accept PayPal because I have some money there I could donate, like maybe $5-10 a month -- not much by his standards, I'm sure, but it would be something and he wouldn't have to bother us for it -- but in the thick of trying to tell him "no" to the ride, it didn't seem the right time to bring it up.)


08:59, 25 Nov 2005 (EST): Yesterday (or was it the day before?), I finally moved most of my audio stuff into the wiki, so I can more easily update it. Yay.

The kids spent the night with their father last night, and are spending most of today there as well, so we were able to sleep undisturbed in a kid-free house for the first time in (I think) over a year. So this morning I get up as usual around 6:30, start noodling around on the computer doing light-concentration tasks on the computer when I suddenly realize, like, OMFG!!!!111oneoneone, the kids aren't here -- I could actually get some substantial-concentration work done! So I'm doing that now.

19:25, 25 Nov 2005 (EST): And now this idea.


15:02, 23 Nov 2005 (EST): Just submitted this idea to a contest. Did some shipping yesterday and today; three orders came in just today, so I guess the Xmas rush is starting (yay/eek!).

And now, I think, it's time to do something about my audio pages.


07:54, 20 Nov 2005 (EST): Hmm, I need to move the October stuff onto its own page, don't I...

Well, first thing this morning was to delete some spam off the vbzwiki. I really hope they add better filtering to the RSS feed before I start getting significant (legitimate) edit traffic on any of these wikis, otherwise I won't be able to tell the spam from the legit edits. (Then again, I suppose if more people are editing, they're more likely to spot spam edits.)

Then Benjamin wanted to get dressed. So I found him clothes. But then he wanted to finish "reading" a coloring book first. And then he needed help getting dressed. And then he needed breakfast. But that's done now.

Yesterday, I finished copying all the Josh emails into the wiki; now I need to figure out what to do next. I need a more extensive description of Josh's current state and what he needs.

Meanwhile, I'm processing yesterday's skim of Tears for Fears The Hurting just because.


21:18, 9 Nov 2005 (EST): Just got back from driving to about halfway down South Carolina on I-85, then turning around and coming back. What happened is that the mediation session was cancelled (by the mediator) at the last minute – or at any rate earlier today, though I wasn't informed until about 4:30 this afternoon. Sounds like someone forgot about the fact that I don't live there and have to drive down the night before.

Just before leaving, I hastily typed up these notes; had a few more ideas on the way down, and will add them when I have the energy.

I'm also going to ask that the gas money be deducted from my share of the mediator's fee, and to strongly suggest that this demonstrates the advantages of written negotiation and wouldn't they please consider ordering the defendants to negotiate that way, since they were able to order them to attend mediation (and pay half of it)?

Other than that, I think I'm going to bed.

Earlier Months