Introduction to Woozles
A woozle is a phenomenon caused by obsessively following one's own footsteps while thinking you are covering new ground. The presence of a woozle generally can be taken as an indication that you have become too focused on your immediate task and need to take a look at the larger picture in order to see where you have gone wrong.
Introduction to This Woozle
This particular woozle, now legally known as Woozalia Nicola Jadzia Rayner Staddon, can be contacted via various methods listed here, and is commonly found in Durham, NC (where she lives with her hypertwin, Harena) and various places on the internet.
Woozle is now switching to first person for the rest of this page. Do not adjust your sets.
Administrivia |
- Woozle's Personal Emo Tech Blog (an experiment)
- the Woozle category contains many pages and subcategories
People I've written about:
- Jenny: writing about our ghost friend
- Tigger: our other ghost friend
- Shannon: our latest late friend; no ghost as far as I can tell
There's a lot of other writing on Woozalia.
Other stuff besides writing:
- /school: report cards and stuff
- Mine bio-offspring (pictures and such) works in Atlanta and performs all over the place with two different bands (Saline and Scooterbabe).
- /Aunt Jeanne: I don't know if I'll have anything to write, but if memories pop up...
- I'm not related, as far as I know, to these folks (2009-11-13 news item) or to Stanley Staddon of Zimbabwe
- /drafts: a place to keep drafts so I can show them to people (not used recently)
- my internal/notes page, most of which probably won't mean anything to anyone else
- /to do
"Woozle" can also mean:
- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10502556.2015.1092349 "The process of misrepresenting the research in ways that create myths and misconceptions has been referred to as woozling."