work up some "interview" questions for Hypertwins videos:
our "work" histories & UBI
our history in general
2021-03-07 why patriotism is kinda bad
conceptual design doc draft for Harmony
try expanding on The Beatriffics as a bedtime story for H
...or the multiverse one, for that matter
Blocked Tasks
mount panel lighting in fridge area
blocker: need bypass circuit
Added to List
(from H) Re FerretCalc: It would just randomly crash, i think? And type multiple digits when only pressing a key once. I will have to see if i can find it and do testing again.
(from W) H says she cannot find it; reinstallation added to do-list
(req 2020) fix pump-organ pedal (done late July / early August)
(req 2021-03-04) try to get Eudora working on anything at all [URGENT] (got this done in... May? June?)
(req 2021-03-11) remove light from over the stove (done 2021-07 when the bracket broke and forced my hand)
(req 2021-03-04) post circuit pix for scanlime (done 2021-07)
(req 2021-03-05) Hook for mesh laundry bag
(req 3/6) check up on shared balance, add to spreadsheet, xfer money as needed
2021-08-11 figure out what to do about this apparently un-deposited check to Fiat Fiendum for $5148.00 o.0 (solved: it was sent to the wrong account and note was made of that at the time.)
Pay bills (03-05)
For Review
2021-03-07 I first did it with a single hook, then realized you might want a spacer to open up the top. I didn't have enough wire with me to do that properly, so I made one for you to check out. Let me know if you prefer the spacer or the single hook.