Woozle/to do/archive/2009-04-04

From HypertWiki
"What a to-doooo!" -- Glimfeather, The Silver Chair

Major Areas

(just a quick outline for now; lists to be created)

  • Josh - need to type in new list for 2009-04-03
  • Paying Work - trying to make money to pay my own bills and (later, when there's no Josh and more time) maybe offset Sandy's situation
    • clients - Sage & Swift needs new computers and other stuff; ResearchBuy currently needs me to finish up their site revisions
    • vbz.net - hugely neglected; can't update catalogs or properly answer customer inquiries unless they're dead simple
  • Finances - currently trying to get in touch with credit counselor, possibly refinancing mortgage for the 3rd time, cancel unneeded things like DirecTV, wired phone
  • Deferred Maintenance - plumbing, cars, carpentry, teeth


  • /luxury: things that aren't desperate emergencies, and hence only get done when I can't get myself to do anything else
  • /strategy: trying to come up with strategies that maximize productivity by minimizing gear-clashing
  • /archive: previous lists and obsolete related stuff


  • 2007-04-22 Open ToDo Lists by Esther Dyson: some brief thoughts on the virtues of displaying your to-do list for all the world to see