
From HypertWiki
Woozle blog posts: 2010
  • 2010-10-27 2135 Josh Mediation : We're safe until December 11, but they want to move him from the real and appropriate services he's getting right now to inferior services he'll have to wait for, and they don't care what happens to him or us in the meantime.
  • 2010/05/04 0653 Why settle for a geek : "Why settle for a geek when you could have a professional?"
  • 2010-04-29 1101 Our Visit to the Josh Depository : Taking Josh to the Hughes Center went reasonably well yesterday; here's the (more or less) full report...
  • 2010-04-22 2127 Mighty Are the Teeth of Josh : Josh has never been to a dentist because he wouldn't "open wide" on command, much less sit calmly for minutes at a time while someone mucked about inside his mouth. It has always seemed pretty clear that he would need a general anaesthetic -- so as long as there was no clear need for dental attention, we put that fairly far down the list of Josh Priorities.
  • 2010/03/14 0903 Josh Smith, Agent of Entropy : It's been nice not having Josh in the house for the past few weeks. We put something away or clean something, and it generally stays put away or cleaned. Organization gradually increases. Well, Josh made up for lost time last night...
  • 2010/01/28 1638 The Eternal Residential Placement Catch-22 : We just heard back from Residential Services Inc, a group home in Chapel Hill which came highly recommended and with whom I spoke last night for about half an hour.