Mary Poppins
From HypertWiki
This is what goes on inside the head of a Woozle after overhearing the Disney Mary Poppins DVD played by Josh for about the 500th time (both the movie and the accompanying documentary, mind you).
- Super-calloused fragile mystic vexed with halitosis
- The smell of it is surely quite as bad as one supposes
- You never can forget it unless treated by hypnosis
- Super-calloused fragile mystic vexed with halitosis!
with apologies to whoever came up with that first line -- Spider Robinson, possibly?
Also, note that you can sing parts of "Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious" to the tune of "Chim-Chiminee".
- Germ-germany, germ-germany, germ-germ-gerree
- A Nazi's as lucky, as lucky can be
- Germ-germany, germ-germany, germ-germ-gerroo
- Good luck wiv' a blitzkrieg when we invades you.
- An' we'll solve all yer problems wiv' Jews an' gays too!
(might have worked well as part of Springtime for Hitler, methinks)
Less tasteless version:
- Chim-chim-a-nee, chim-chim-a-nee, chim-chim cheree
- Just why did Paul Rodgers leave Bad Companeee?
- Chim-chim-a-nee, chim-chim-a-nee, chim-chim cheroo
- Was 'e singin' off key? Did 'e not 'ave a clue?
- Just wot was 'is crime, tell me wot did 'e do??
Jolly 'Olliday
- Oh, 'ow do you solve a problem like Maria?
- Maria makes your 'eart so light
- When Maria 'olds yer 'and, ya feel so grand
- A flibbertigibbet, a will-o-the-wisp, a big brass band!
- Oh, 'ow do you solve a problem like Maria?
- No wonder it's Maria that we love!