
From HypertWiki
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 (#278)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Exact day: category (1) This month: category (30) / page
Other years: category (4) This year: category (105) / page

To Do

  • Pokédrive after breakfast
  • shower
  • W pay at least certain bills no later than today
  • W put out garbage can
  • probably Konrad will have Daisy ready at some point, so pick-up will be needed


  • All of the above
    • Could not pay either Synchrony Bank card because their system is down. Came back online after 5.
    • Still working on whether it's time to do a big transfer-offer switcharound...
  • Re-cleared gutter near upstairs window -- but it's just one gutter out of many, and even that one I can't completely clear out with the blower. We really need some decking for gutter & roof access, and a crow's nest for astronomy.
  • Re-cleared back patio etc.
  • prepped leftover chicken for Tigger Quiche Glop