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Monday, June 1, 2009 (#152)
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from a locked post on Sandy's blog:

Josh, once again, refused to go to school & W had to take him in and dress him in the car.. had a near thing when they got to the classroom & his teacher hadn't arrived, though; Josh got restless & started to head out of the building but then they spotted her arriving & all went well after that.

My worry now is that he'll pull something like this with his possible foster mom (did i mention we are applying for him to get into a foster home in Raleigh? i'm just waiting for something to happen to muck it up (though the Medicaid/Heathchoice did successfully renew)) and she won't be able to deal with it and then decide that she cannot continue keep him and we'll be back where we started from, only worse because we have no camp, no worker, no nothing for the summer.

The last line should be explained a bit...

Because the foster home was in Raleigh, Josh couldn't make use of the same workers. His main (and most reliable) worker had just quit to change careers, and since Josh was going to be moving to a different area we didn't see any point in trying to line up a new one in the Durham area. Even if we thought the foster home might fall through, it would be awkward at best -- and possibly disrespectful -- to tell a potential worker "thanks for showing up, but you might not ever get to work with Josh for more than a day or two because we're hoping he will be permanently moved out in two weeks".