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Thursday, June 19, 2008 (#171)
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from a locked post on Sandy's blog:

As you know, on Monday, i was informed that Josh could not participate in the day camp till he has a one-on-worker so he has been home every day this week.

Yesterday Rachel (the teenager who has known & worked with Josh at samesuch day camp & afterschool and had been taking him shopping & stuff after school a couple of days a week) canceled for taking him out in the morning...

...and then when Teresa, the Developmental Therapy person who came to work with him in the evening had a bad outing with him (took him out on a walk and the was apparently a miscue & Josh got aggressive & hit her repeatedly ... and now she does not [feel safe working] with him anymore & they have to find a new staff person (if ANYone) and ... it feels so damn useless. They'll never find anyone that can deal with him and he'll just slip through the cracks...

Ultimately, Maxim Health Care said they couldn't serve Josh at all because of this incident (because restraints might be necessary), and we had to find a provider and caregiver who could use restraints if needed. (That ended up being Coordinated Health.)