
From HypertWiki
Tuesday, December 31, 2002 (#0)
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  • what: ICQ dialogue between Bubba and Woozle
Bubba      12/31/02 2:14 AM  you awake?

Bubba      12/31/02 9:48 AM  i've gotta run do an errand.  bak inna bit

woozle     12/31/02 9:48 AM  k

woozle     12/31/02 12:15 PM in & out

woozle     12/31/02 12:15 PM of the rm

Bubba      12/31/02 12:21 PM me 2

Bubba      12/31/02 5:10 PM  morning

woozle     12/31/02 5:10 PM  gmmmrnnnng

Bubba      12/31/02 5:10 PM  has broken so I'll be a minute cleaning it up

woozle     12/31/02 5:10 PM  just like the first one...

woozle     12/31/02 5:10 PM  And tell that black bird to SHUT UP.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:11 PM  Eudora - Could not connect to

woozle     12/31/02 5:11 PM  what the heck is it doing trying to connect

woozle     12/31/02 5:12 PM  mail.redhouse.com for SMTP

Bubba      12/31/02 5:12 PM  k

Bubba      12/31/02 5:12 PM  fxng

Bubba      12/31/02 5:14 PM  could not connect to "mail.redhouse.com"
                                  Cause: network is unreachable (10051)

woozle     12/31/02 5:14 PM  try ping

Bubba      12/31/02 5:15 PM  can't afford Ping.  I'm looking at some
                                  cheaper clubs.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:16 PM  quick reply

woozle     12/31/02 5:16 PM  tried it from here & it worked -- so it's not
                                  the site

Bubba      12/31/02 5:19 PM  doing anything tonight?

woozle     12/31/02 5:20 PM  (Uh, processing orders?) Yeah, probly staying
                                  up late and doing some minor in-house
                                  cerebrating, I mean celebrating.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:22 PM  processing orders?

woozle     12/31/02 5:23 PM  Well, handling emails anyway. And I should
                                  start getting these ZR orders ready to go out
                                  on Thursday. We're going to come down to
                                  Athens on Friday.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:23 PM  w/children?

woozle     12/31/02 5:24 PM  As few as we can get away with, but probly at
                                  least Z & B. Bringing Anna back (she's here

woozle     12/31/02 5:25 PM  Hotel again, don't worry about preparing space

Bubba      12/31/02 5:25 PM  Z?

Bubba      12/31/02 5:25 PM  what, me worry?

woozle     12/31/02 5:26 PM  Z = Zander (B = Benjy)

Bubba      12/31/02 5:26 PM  sorry Zander.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:28 PM  much illness about here

woozle     12/31/02 5:28 PM  We'll try not to breathe.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:29 PM  agenda here?

woozle     12/31/02 5:30 PM  Mainly Anna-oriented, but there should be some
                                  time for a visit @ Hull if y'all aren't too

woozle     12/31/02 5:31 PM  Gotta set up her keyboard, her laptop (may
                                  need phone line extended), and her camera (I
                                  can get relatives to buy more stuff for Anna
                                  than I can get them to buy me... then again,
                                  they've given me a lot more cash than they've
                                  given her)

Bubba      12/31/02 5:32 PM  rt o. it's just that L is in middle of a
                                  cleanse that she started before she got sick
                                  and she couldn't quit because she's sick

Bubba      12/31/02 5:32 PM  toxic flush + illness = blahhh

woozle     12/31/02 5:32 PM  No hurry; we don't have to come by en masse at
                                  all. I could just stop by while the crowd is
                                  over @ Livia's

Bubba      12/31/02 5:33 PM  this time around it might be best

Bubba      12/31/02 5:35 PM  any Christmas #'s yet?

Bubba      12/31/02 5:37 PM  ballpark

woozle     12/31/02 5:38 PM  Totals for December: $2919.70 in gross
                                  deposits (cards + checks), $772.92 shipping
                                  expenses, $2067.95 in restock expenses, gross
                                  profit (i.e. immediate profit from orders
                                  only; not counting overhead expenses): $422.69

woozle     12/31/02 5:38 PM  And I haven't yet debited any cards for the ZR
                                  stuff, though those figures include the cost
                                  of the ZR stuff

woozle     12/31/02 5:39 PM  So any ZR orders we clear are profit on top of

Bubba      12/31/02 5:39 PM  kewl.  I need a list of items to call
                                  suppliers about

woozle     12/31/02 5:39 PM  You can see almost the same figures in your DB
                                   by clicking on the Queries tab and opening
                                  the "- Monthly Summary" query. Scroll down to
                                  the bottom for the latest figgers.

woozle     12/31/02 5:40 PM  I think MT was ok; the big one is the lamps
                                  from LB.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:40 PM  DB- kewl

woozle     12/31/02 5:40 PM  I haven't entered ZR stuff in yet (hopefully
                                  tomorrow) and then I'll know if anything's
                                  missing there.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:40 PM  k

woozle     12/31/02 5:40 PM  I think we have enough for another LB restock

Bubba      12/31/02 5:41 PM  most recent update?

Bubba      12/31/02 5:41 PM  new stuff?

Bubba      12/31/02 5:41 PM  newest stuff actually

woozle     12/31/02 5:41 PM  so no need for them to special-ship the lamps;
                                  just make sure we get credit for them -- cuz
                                  the invoice says they shipped, and we were
                                  charged for them, but they were not in the

Bubba      12/31/02 5:41 PM  rts

woozle     12/31/02 5:42 PM  But I presume they'll be closed tomorrow, so
                                  that would be Wed.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:43 PM  rt

Bubba      12/31/02 5:46 PM  G. W. seems to have made it to my lap and onto
                                  the desk

Bubba      12/31/02 5:47 PM  tfgggg

Bubba      12/31/02 5:47 PM  he said

Bubba      12/31/02 5:47 PM  22frrrrrr

woozle     12/31/02 5:47 PM  two fur?

Bubba      12/31/02 5:47 PM  ===8

woozle     12/31/02 5:48 PM  G.W. must be a cat, but I can't think which
                                  cat would have those initials.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:48 PM  Gray and White

Bubba      12/31/02 5:48 PM  63++++++++++++++++562

woozle     12/31/02 5:48 PM  right.

Bubba      12/31/02 5:48 PM  and BL

Bubba      12/31/02 5:48 PM  GW & BL

woozle     12/31/02 5:48 PM  tell him "mlkewsd32e" for me

Bubba      12/31/02 5:50 PM  Momma, Mid-O, GW, BL, AHC (auch) and EMK

woozle     12/31/02 5:50 PM  brrrtt

woozle     12/31/02 5:57 PM  still need stats on your 12/24 shipment

woozle     12/31/02 6:00 PM  and the one shirt on 12/28

Bubba      12/31/02 6:07 PM  12-24 see history 8:55 p.m.

Bubba      12/31/02 6:08 PM  I can't copy and paste or I woulda

Bubba      12/31/02 6:12 PM  12/30/02 4:46 p.m. Total $8.31 and the split
                                  is VBZ - $3.85 Me - $4.46

woozle     12/31/02 8:14 PM  Got 'em. Thonques.

Bubba      12/31/02 8:18 PM  soy tan lee

Bubba      12/31/02 11:24 PM still Could not connect to "mail.redhouse.com"
                                  Cause: network unreachable (10051)

woozle     12/31/02 11:24 PM can you ping it?

Bubba      12/31/02 11:24 PM y

woozle     12/31/02 11:25 PM works for me

woozle     12/31/02 11:25 PM Can you retrieve your mail?

Bubba      12/31/02 11:26 PM y I can get mail no send

woozle     12/31/02 11:26 PM Urthlink may have decided to start blocking
                                  SMTP again... try smtp.earthlink.net, I think

Bubba      12/31/02 11:28 PM smtp.earthlink.net worked

woozle     12/31/02 11:28 PM k... guess those losers have blocked smtp
                                  again. Send them an email complaining about

Bubba      12/31/02 11:29 PM wouldn't know where to begin

woozle     12/31/02 11:29 PM rt...

Bubba      12/31/02 11:29 PM It was a dark and stormy night.

woozle     12/31/02 11:30 PM Some indians uh Native Americans were sitting
                                  around a campfire (no doubt posing for a
                                  t-shirt). Their chief rose and said...

Bubba      12/31/02 11:30 PM Their chief was Rose?

woozle     12/31/02 11:31 PM you capitalized on it, not me

Bubba      12/31/02 11:31 PM and the chief said?

woozle     12/31/02 11:32 PM It was a dark and stormy night. Some indians [
                                  well, actually I always figured he would
                                  rephrase it as "Some of our people", but the
                                  book said "Some indians". Shows how much they
                                  know. ] were sitting around a campfire. Their
                                  chief rose and said...

Bubba      12/31/02 11:33 PM and said....

woozle     12/31/02 11:33 PM It was a dark and stormy night. (etc. etc.)

Bubba      12/31/02 11:34 PM Some Indiannans were sitting a round by the
                                  camp.  FIRE!

woozle     12/31/02 11:35 PM Some indians were firing around a sitcom.

Bubba      12/31/02 11:36 PM Hippie Golf - Smoke a Bowl & Play a Hole.

Bubba      12/31/02 11:37 PM It's a hat

woozle     12/31/02 11:38 PM LB otta sell it

Bubba      12/31/02 11:39 PM rt

Bubba      12/31/02 11:39 PM they're out of hte golf bizz

Bubba      12/31/02 11:39 PM the the the the 

woozle     12/31/02 11:39 PM o well

Bubba      12/31/02 11:39 PM why can't I spell hte?

woozle     12/31/02 11:39 PM if the gclubs do well, perhaps we'll take over

Bubba      12/31/02 11:40 PM people already want to buy the N2UG hats for

woozle     12/31/02 11:40 PM what makes you know that?

Bubba      12/31/02 11:40 PM Several dozen people that have seen it want

Bubba      12/31/02 11:41 PM that was the beginning asking price

woozle     12/31/02 11:41 PM what's our minimum investment to get some out

Bubba      12/31/02 11:41 PM "How much you gonna sell them for? $25"

Bubba      12/31/02 11:41 PM $2000 and w/o the site being active it's
                                  really untimely

Bubba      12/31/02 11:42 PM They're about $1.78 per w/1000 minimum

Bubba      12/31/02 11:42 PM + shipping

woozle     12/31/02 11:42 PM well, we don't have $2k to spend at the moment
                                  anyway, so perhaps by the time we do it will
                                  be timely

Bubba      12/31/02 11:42 PM $2

Bubba      12/31/02 11:43 PM so let's get the auction site going

woozle     12/31/02 11:43 PM maybe

Bubba      12/31/02 11:44 PM k

Bubba      12/31/02 11:47 PM man, what is going on in the world?

Bubba      12/31/02 11:48 PM I mean a boxer got arrested for hitting some
                                  guy in a fight outside a bar last month.

woozle     12/31/02 11:48 PM I'm the wrong one to ask...

Bubba      12/31/02 11:48 PM you don't get out much either?

woozle     12/31/02 11:48 PM not really

Bubba      12/31/02 11:49 PM I tried to pull the hole in after meself, but
                                  I couldn't get it to close.

Bubba      12/31/02 11:51 PM www.individual-animal-art.com wants us to sell
                                  his stuff in the store.  I told him that we'd
                                  really prefer to do a drop-ship reality like

Bubba      12/31/02 11:52 PM We'll see what he says.

woozle     12/31/02 11:52 PM stock on consignment would work ok with me
                                  too... as long as we don't have to buy a lot
                                  of stuff

woozle     12/31/02 11:52 PM brb

Bubba      12/31/02 11:52 PM some nice sculptures

woozle     12/31/02 11:54 PM bk, but will be zipping out again momentarily
                                  to watch the year change on TV (you can't see
                                  it just looking at the air; you have to have
                                  special equipment)

Bubba      12/31/02 11:57 PM Will you let me know when your special
                                  equipment says it time 

woozle     12/31/02 11:58 PM 11:58... gonna go on out. We gots wrong images
                                  for TB14/24, trying to sort out...

Bubba      12/31/02 11:58 PM HNY