
From HypertWiki
Wednesday, December 11, 2002 (#345)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
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  • what: log of ICQ conversation between Bubba and Woozle
Bubba      12/11/02 8:15 AM  mornin

Bubba      12/11/02 8:32 AM  hey I woke up to work w/you, you there?  If
                                  not I'll go back to bed for a minnit.  I
                                  crashed at 3 a.m.

woozle     12/11/02 8:33 AM  here, but about to take kids in (school
                                  delayed 1 hr)

woozle     12/11/02 8:33 AM  found yr dvd driver disc

Bubba      12/11/02 8:34 AM  k, so I'll turn my speakers up so I'll hear
                                  your q when you do q me after you get back

Bubba      12/11/02 8:34 AM  did you get the q about the DVD?

Bubba      12/11/02 8:34 AM  the icq not ?

woozle     12/11/02 8:39 AM  I don't see a Q about the dvd

woozle     12/11/02 8:39 AM  unless you mean an icq msg

Bubba      12/11/02 8:39 AM  y icq

woozle     12/11/02 8:39 AM  I saw about the 10-min. freeze; I suspect the
                                  drivers will fix that.

Bubba      12/11/02 8:39 AM  kewl

Bubba      12/11/02 8:39 AM  that was it

woozle     12/11/02 8:40 AM  Still re-setting up Gonzo; when done, will
                                  investigate to find best way to get drivers to

Bubba      12/11/02 8:40 AM  k

Bubba      12/11/02 8:40 AM  I don't want to tie you up before the school
                                  run.  I'll be here.

woozle     12/11/02 8:41 AM  no prob; doing computer stuff in between kid
                                  stuff. Gonzo will probably be working by early

Bubba      12/11/02 8:41 AM  goodonnya

Bubba      12/11/02 8:44 AM  brb

Bubba      12/11/02 8:48 AM  bk

woozle     12/11/02 10:04 AM going out agin shortly

Bubba      12/11/02 10:45 AM u in or out?

Bubba      12/11/02 12:13 PM hey mang u dare?

Bubba      12/11/02 12:14 PM are we ready to place an LB/MT order yet?

Bubba      12/11/02 12:15 PM we should run the cards do them together and
                                  get them to us second day air if not overnight
                                  to get them out quickly and get another set of
                                  orders ready in time for Christmas

Bubba      12/11/02 5:29 PM  gnoq gnoq

woozle     12/11/02 5:29 PM  we here

Bubba      12/11/02 5:31 PM  by d'eclaire

Bubba      12/11/02 5:31 PM  where are we on schedule allotment for the
                                  fixes L has asked for?

woozle     12/11/02 5:32 PM  we're battling a virus, a recalcitrant CD-RW
                                  drive, and an uncooperative network card. Film
                                  at 11.

Bubba      12/11/02 5:33 PM  happy happy joy joy

Bubba      12/11/02 5:33 PM  heretofore hhjj

woozle     12/11/02 5:33 PM  Outpost.com has MB+CPU 1.7 GHz for $110. Thot
                                  you might like to know.

Bubba      12/11/02 5:34 PM  so in a day or two I'll put the cash in the
                                  bank and use the card?

Bubba      12/11/02 5:35 PM  AMD? nonDuron?

Bubba      12/11/02 5:36 PM  howz about we print a calvin pissing on an
                                  intel logo while wearing a T-shirt w/AMD on

woozle     12/11/02 5:36 PM  celeron... cash in + use card is fine, but ask
                                  me first. Balance is about to drop below zero
                                  (by about 49 freakin' cents, grrr) if deposits
                                  don't happen in time.

Bubba      12/11/02 5:37 PM  maybe my bank card will be hear in the next
                                  few days

Bubba      12/11/02 5:37 PM  ere

woozle     12/11/02 5:39 PM  twood be nyse

Bubba      12/11/02 5:39 PM  rt

woozle     12/11/02 5:41 PM  Thot you were gonna contact that chick who was
                                  trying to unload her Flores stuff.

woozle     12/11/02 5:41 PM  I got email from her on 12/7.

Bubba      12/11/02 5:41 PM  forward it to me

woozle     12/11/02 5:42 PM  fwding

Bubba      12/11/02 5:42 PM  k, will call tomorrow

woozle     12/11/02 5:49 PM  Also [name redacted] wants to know about her
                                  Flores piece

Bubba      12/11/02 5:50 PM  will call San Antone tomorrow also

woozle     12/11/02 5:53 PM  schpiff

Bubba      12/11/02 5:54 PM  soytenlee

Bubba      12/11/02 5:54 PM  hnuq hnuq hnnuq

Bubba      12/11/02 5:55 PM  woooboobooboobooboo

woozle     12/11/02 5:55 PM  knucklehead

Bubba      12/11/02 5:55 PM  or is it whoooboobooboobooboo

Bubba      12/11/02 5:55 PM  I ferget

Bubba      12/11/02 5:56 PM  Mr. K, Special K, "Real Special" K?

woozle     12/11/02 5:56 PM  Consult the American Larrytage Dictionary,

Bubba      12/11/02 5:57 PM  They were popular in music during the late
                                  70's too 
                                  there was that one song...Moe Moe Moe

woozle     12/11/02 5:57 PM  not seeing any cc:s of emails from you to
                                  customers -- ?

Bubba      12/11/02 5:59 PM  I didn't cc you on a lot of them because I had
                                  had no contact w/you and all I said was that
                                  the power was out and I didn't know when I'd
                                  be able to speak to the NC office so if you
                                  did one email and sent it to all of the
                                  customers since this happened it'd back mine
                                  up w/that you're back online

woozle     12/11/02 5:59 PM  Always cc me with customer contacts.

woozle     12/11/02 6:00 PM  I don't know why my being out of touch should
                                  affect that -- for future reference, it

woozle     12/11/02 6:00 PM  I mean, now how am I supposed to know who
                                  you've already emailed and who you haven't?

Bubba      12/11/02 6:01 PM  this one was a mgmt call and no problem doing
                                  it in the future.  A big part of it was that I
                                  don't have record of their orders and no info
                                  re:dispensation of the orders so I was just
                                  buying some time

woozle     12/11/02 6:02 PM  I've always said to always cc me. I don't have
                                  any easy way of emailing everybody all at
                                  once. If I have to do everyone, it takes much
                                  more time. Can you cc me all the emails you

Bubba      12/11/02 6:02 PM  that's what I was typing when you asked

Bubba      12/11/02 6:56 PM  emails - they've all been sent

Bubba      12/11/02 6:58 PM  I am totally your pee

Bubba      12/11/02 6:58 PM  for the RDA stuff

Bubba      12/11/02 6:59 PM  or should I say "I'm all urine" 

woozle     12/11/02 7:12 PM  gonzo is up... eating supper.

Bubba      12/11/02 7:13 PM  what is it eating?

woozle     12/11/02 7:13 PM  supper

woozle     12/11/02 7:13 PM  and it's getting the stuff all over itself.

Bubba      12/11/02 7:14 PM  some juicy volts with a side of watts and a
                                  little silicon for dessert?

woozle     12/11/02 7:14 PM  bag of chips

Bubba      12/11/02 7:14 PM  kewl

Bubba      12/11/02 7:15 PM  I've heard they can be messy

Bubba      12/11/02 7:15 PM  I be here whence you dun gobbled

woozle     12/11/02 7:16 PM  also, for those who have just tuned in, I got
                                  the laptop's modem working so I can run credit

Bubba      12/11/02 7:16 PM  hair goot en yah

woozle     12/11/02 7:17 PM  what's en yah got to do with this? Is she
                                  going to be on our next xmas cd?

Bubba      12/11/02 7:17 PM  not to be confused profused or fused of
                                  anykind w/the singer of song Inn Ya

Bubba      12/11/02 7:18 PM  I don't know what she sounds like or which
                                  song she be good to do

woozle     12/11/02 7:18 PM  or which song she do be good?

Bubba      12/11/02 7:19 PM  shoe bee doobie dew

woozle     12/11/02 7:19 PM  , , \/ dooby doo \/ \/
                                  (comma comma down dooby doo down down)

Bubba      12/11/02 7:20 PM  breakingupishardtodo

woozle     12/11/02 7:20 PM  sorry, can't hear you, you're breaking up...

woozle     12/11/02 7:21 PM  (Bahb Haaji... a man barely alive... we can
                                  rebuild him...)

Bubba      12/11/02 7:21 PM  we can fix him, make him better than before,
                                  we have the techno

Bubba      12/11/02 7:21 PM  sung in low G

Bubba      12/11/02 7:21 PM  techno - low G

Bubba      12/11/02 7:22 PM  no onions

Bubba      12/11/02 7:22 PM  fries on the side

Bubba      12/11/02 7:22 PM  hold the Mayo

woozle     12/11/02 7:25 PM  hey, whaddya know -- the lettuce survived the
                                  outage unscathed.

Bubba      12/11/02 7:25 PM  well duh

Bubba      12/11/02 7:25 PM  it'd have to get hot to ruin it

woozle     12/11/02 7:25 PM  other things didn't

Bubba      12/11/02 7:25 PM  really?

woozle     12/11/02 7:25 PM  the hot dogs were a funny color

Bubba      12/11/02 7:26 PM  shoulda left the door open

Bubba      12/11/02 7:26 PM  if the temps were always below 40

woozle     12/11/02 7:26 PM  the ones in the freezer, anyhow... the ones in
                                  the fridge _looked_ all right, and Z even got
                                  hold of one before we could warn him not to...

woozle     12/11/02 7:26 PM  ...so it was probly all right, but we didn't
                                  want to take a chance.

Bubba      12/11/02 7:27 PM  no reaction I take it

woozle     12/11/02 7:27 PM  none apparent

Bubba      12/11/02 7:27 PM  kewl

woozle     12/11/02 7:27 PM  the ones in the chest freezer were ok too...
                                  just the ones in the fridge freezer warnt raht

Bubba      12/11/02 7:28 PM  How odd, Captain Stubing.

woozle     12/11/02 7:28 PM  all in all, a little too much "exciting and
                                  new" if ya ask me...

Bubba      12/11/02 7:28 PM  Lynne is on the phone w/Juliet rt now

Bubba      12/11/02 7:29 PM  quick, look busy

woozle     12/11/02 7:29 PM  they can both fit at once?

Bubba      12/11/02 7:29 PM  thanks for the visual

woozle     12/11/02 7:29 PM  I would think they would at least use separate
                                  phones... much easier to balance.

Bubba      12/11/02 7:30 PM  rt

Bubba      12/11/02 7:30 PM  J is asking if it's done and L is reassuring
                                  her that it'll all be good when the show airs
                                  this Sat

Bubba      12/11/02 7:31 PM  is getting clear on adding links for each

woozle     12/11/02 7:31 PM  have you emailed word docs of text you need

Bubba      12/11/02 7:31 PM  L did

Bubba      12/11/02 7:32 PM  to you

woozle     12/11/02 7:32 PM  k

Bubba      12/11/02 7:32 PM  but you've been busy w/the other and hadn't
                                  checked your email for a bit

woozle     12/11/02 7:32 PM  I've filtered thru most of my emails, but
                                  haven't sorted out the non-junk ones yet.

Bubba      12/11/02 7:32 PM  k

woozle     12/11/02 7:34 PM  Decided I definitely need to set up some pop3
                                  accts to take care of junk mail... one set of
                                  known "spam target" addresses which will just
                                  automatically get ditched, another for
                                  addresses I'm not expecting email on but which
                                  could be legit, and one for addresses I
                                  actually use... maybe even a separate acct for
                                  personal (as opposed to biz) msgs...

Bubba      12/11/02 7:35 PM  I want one too dadddy!

Bubba      12/11/02 7:35 PM  210 messages 11 were good today

woozle     12/11/02 7:36 PM  Not sure it can be applied to you... do you
                                  receive any email at addresses you don't also
                                  use for business?

woozle     12/11/02 7:37 PM  I get everything sent to
                                  info-bot@redhouse.com, rda-bot@redhouse.com,
                                  nick-bot@redhouse.com, junkmail@redhouse.com,

Bubba      12/11/02 7:37 PM  redhouse.propogation.net and a few others 

woozle     12/11/02 7:38 PM  As well as spam created for certain people who
                                  gave out their email address wrong --
                                  daniela@redhouse.com, www@redhouse.com (one
                                  Nicole Willett), clintong@redhouse.com,

Bubba      12/11/02 7:38 PM  rt

Bubba      12/11/02 7:38 PM  kewl

woozle     12/11/02 7:38 PM  if it's addressed to
                                  bubba@redhouse.propagation.net, I don't think
                                  I can filter it on the server -- tho Mozilla
                                  may be able to. Have you tried setting up any

Bubba      12/11/02 7:39 PM  no

Bubba      12/11/02 7:39 PM  I just realized that Moz is configurable

woozle     12/11/02 7:39 PM  Might want to look into that.

Bubba      12/11/02 7:39 PM  k

Bubba      12/11/02 8:14 PM  If you have any questions for me or lynne
                                  about the site we're here (nudge X 2 Wink

Bubba      12/11/02 8:33 PM  do you care that there is a fatwa on me?

Bubba      12/11/02 8:36 PM  a suicide bomber is on their way over here if
                                  I don't get you to get this site rite

woozle     12/11/02 8:36 PM  Only if she's cutting off your circulation

woozle     12/11/02 8:36 PM  Does this have to be done tonight?

Bubba      12/11/02 8:37 PM  not unless you want me todie a heinous death

woozle     12/11/02 8:37 PM  it doesn't have to be done tonight unless I
                                  want you to die a heinous death. Hmm..

woozle     12/11/02 8:38 PM  This is supposed to be incentive?

Bubba      12/11/02 8:38 PM  I thought you cared!

woozle     12/11/02 8:39 PM  Well, if I do it tonight then that means I
                                  want you to die a heinous death... are you a
                                  suicidal masochist?

Bubba      12/11/02 8:39 PM  Good bye Cruel world

woozle     12/11/02 8:39 PM  Well, heck, I'm checking my email to see if I
                                  got those docs from Lynne...

Bubba      12/11/02 8:40 PM  real sadomasochism - Beat me! NO! 

woozle     12/11/02 8:40 PM  that's what I hear

Bubba      12/11/02 8:40 PM  oh thank you kind sahib

woozle     12/11/02 8:41 PM  gee, only 436 messages to download since this
                                  morning. Nobody loves me.

Bubba      12/11/02 8:41 PM  I will pick the fleas from your camels by hand
                                  for this

Bubba      12/11/02 8:42 PM  no but you can get bigger, firmer, richer,
                                  slimmer and all the while staying at home

woozle     12/11/02 8:43 PM  ...and earning $2000-$7000 per week filling
                                  out opinion surveys...

Bubba      12/11/02 8:43 PM  all those ...er things

Bubba      12/11/02 8:43 PM  rt

Bubba      12/11/02 8:44 PM  Nobody loves you? Hell they're counting on
                                  your opinion and they'll pay you for it.

woozle     12/11/02 8:44 PM  ...while getting firmer, longer-lasting
                                  hard-ons watching me and my freshman friends
                                  get it on with a strap-on on our dorm

Bubba      12/11/02 8:44 PM  oooo ahhhh and all for only $9.95/month

woozle     12/11/02 8:45 PM  ...and gaining important insight into the care
                                  of your septic tank...

Bubba      12/11/02 8:45 PM  w/the proper bacteria

woozle     12/11/02 8:46 PM  ...by attaching this wireless x-10 webcam to
                                  this must-have perfect Christmas gift robot
                                  car (and flushing it down the toilet)!

Bubba      12/11/02 8:46 PM  are we drawing straws to see who pulls the

woozle     12/11/02 8:48 PM  I don't know, but I'm _already_ up to message
                                  #23 of 436!!

woozle     12/11/02 8:48 PM  At this rate, I'll definitely have Lynne's
                                  docs by morning.

woozle     12/11/02 8:48 PM  Or maybe by the time I'm done reading
                                  tonight's installment of W-the-P, which I'm
                                  gonna go do now... back in a bit.

Bubba      12/11/02 8:49 PM  sort by name and extrapolate hers?

Bubba      12/11/02 8:49 PM  where are we in the WP saga

Bubba      12/11/02 9:34 PM  why don't I want my java console engaged?

woozle     12/11/02 9:35 PM  umm... cuz Jean-Luc ain't dun sed "engage"

woozle     12/11/02 9:35 PM  cuz you couldn't afford the bride price?

Bubba      12/11/02 9:35 PM  two goats, no problem

Bubba      12/11/02 9:36 PM  I'm trying to print labels from the USPS site
                                  and it says my java isn't on.

Bubba      12/11/02 9:36 PM  so I chked it and shurr nuff it aint

woozle     12/11/02 9:36 PM  web page, or downloaded application?

Bubba      12/11/02 9:37 PM  don't know, I just have a big screen that says
                                  Java not enebled

Bubba      12/11/02 9:37 PM  would assume WP

woozle     12/11/02 9:37 PM  I don't supposed it could hurt anything to
                                  turn it on.

Bubba      12/11/02 9:37 PM  k

Bubba      12/11/02 9:38 PM  heer goze...

Bubba      12/11/02 9:38 PM  will a java app notice the change?

woozle     12/11/02 9:38 PM  Is your screen saying "Thank you master, you
                                  have freed me after centuries of

Bubba      12/11/02 9:38 PM  not yet

Bubba      12/11/02 9:38 PM  as long as it says master

woozle     12/11/02 9:51 PM  we seem to be missing a Miles Corner shirt in
                                  XL... do you still have the list of what you

Bubba      12/11/02 9:51 PM  y hold on

Bubba      12/11/02 9:52 PM  4-L 1XL

Bubba      12/11/02 9:52 PM  D4547

Bubba      12/11/02 9:52 PM  xl

woozle     12/11/02 9:53 PM  the invc says XXXL and that's what they sent

woozle     12/11/02 9:53 PM  no, wait...

woozle     12/11/02 9:53 PM  that's XXL

Bubba      12/11/02 9:54 PM  ordered it as Miles 1605 4 pieces large 1
                                  piece extra large

Bubba      12/11/02 9:54 PM  spastic fingerr

woozle     12/11/02 9:55 PM  just re-emphasizes the importance of email
                                  followup, I guess.

woozle     12/11/02 9:55 PM  Or sending the order as email to begin with
                                  and following up on the phone.

Bubba      12/11/02 9:55 PM  y good and if I had a form to make notes on
                                  when I place the order we can know what I
                                  checked off in the moment and what they are
                                  out of at the moment

Bubba      12/11/02 9:56 PM  checked off as ordered

woozle     12/11/02 9:58 PM  Sounds like their gufe

Bubba      12/11/02 9:58 PM  y

Bubba      12/11/02 9:59 PM  also the follow up email could be built right
                                  into the order form so when I check out it
                                  does a time stamp and sends a follow up on the
                                  morning after

Bubba      12/11/02 9:59 PM  and updates you as to the shirts available or

woozle     12/11/02 10:00 PM something like that

Bubba      12/11/02 10:02 PM do I have to reboot ot get my java to work?

Bubba      12/11/02 10:04 PM gonna do it anyway.  brb

woozle     12/11/02 10:04 PM sounds like a plan

Bubba      12/11/02 10:04 PM k

Bubba      12/11/02 10:16 PM we're heeeeeere

woozle     12/11/02 10:17 PM <soundtrack: yeek yeek yeek yeek....>

Bubba      12/11/02 10:18 PM yheeek?

woozle     12/11/02 10:19 PM I stand corrected

Bubba      12/11/02 10:19 PM so this site thig....

woozle     12/11/02 10:20 PM running ccards now, just for the ones I've got

woozle     12/11/02 10:20 PM just so there's some $ in the pipeline to
                                  counter the likely NSFs

Bubba      12/11/02 10:20 PM kewl

Bubba      12/11/02 10:25 PM The beatings will continue until morale

woozle     12/11/02 10:34 PM turning in for the night... $92 deposited,
                                  after refunds.

Bubba      12/11/02 10:34 PM but but but...

woozle     12/11/02 10:34 PM About 1/2 of the ZR shipment remaining to

woozle     12/11/02 10:35 PM tty tomorry.

Bubba      12/11/02 10:35 PM ok, in the morning

Bubba      12/11/02 10:35 PM I'll get up about 8

woozle     12/11/02 10:35 PM k