Wednesday, December 4, 2002 (#338)
On this date:
- This was the day the 5 GB hard drive on Gonzo Mark I, my main computer, started flaking out (see ICQ); I may have left it in some sort of diagnostic mode overnight, but then overnight the power went out and stayed out for nearly a week (came back on 2002/12/09, although we didn't actually re-occupy to the house until 2002/12/10).
- what: ICQ conversation between Woozle and Bubba
Bubba 12/4/02 2:07 AM have you checked your email in the last 22
woozle 12/4/02 2:08 AM nope
Bubba 12/4/02 2:09 AM a nice little order for only $204
woozle 12/4/02 2:09 AM uploading 200MB of images -- ftp doesn't seem
to be as smart about not re-uploading
duplicates as it should be...
woozle 12/4/02 2:09 AM schpiffy
Bubba 12/4/02 2:09 AM am I sposed to get teh updated DB from FTP?
woozle 12/4/02 2:09 AM I keep meaning to send you stuff to pull, but
getting these images up keeps taking longer...
woozle 12/4/02 2:10 AM I will put an updated db in ftp next time I
think of it, but it may not work
Bubba 12/4/02 2:10 AM I just don't remember how it was sent last
time after the fixes that might not work
woozle 12/4/02 2:10 AM I don't remember if I uploaded one for you the
other day, but I know I deleted one
recently... I don't like to leave them there
too long
Bubba 12/4/02 2:11 AM kewl, so import when you can and send it on up
woozle 12/4/02 2:11 AM yup
woozle 12/4/02 2:12 AM probly more urgent is to send you list of
shirts to pull
woozle 12/4/02 2:12 AM but that should be updated from the latest
orders, especially with that nice large one in
woozle 12/4/02 2:13 AM I just got the topic-assigner app working
again so I can categorize all the new stuff...
it's been, like, the better part of a year
since I've done that...
Bubba 12/4/02 2:19 AM I should be keeping a running total from the
orders anyway
woozle 12/4/02 3:52 PM fyi: my C drive is clearly dying. It was
making ugly noises this morning and refusing
to boot. Fortunately, I was able to get it to
boot eventually and copy all the work files
over to S's new 80GB drive. I'm still trying
to recover the rest of it (downloads and such)
to save time setting up a new drive, but it's
resisting me -- every now and then it
hesitates and won't read, sometimes for just a
few seconds and sometimes longer.
Bubba 12/4/02 4:11 PM ouch! kmp
Bubba 12/4/02 4:12 PM oh, goot morgun
woozle 12/4/02 4:12 PM morkn
Bubba 12/4/02 4:12 PM morkn mindy walk into a bar
Bubba 12/4/02 4:18 PM ZR ships today
Bubba 12/4/02 8:36 PM hey
woozle 12/4/02 9:17 PM cool about ZR. Monday/Tuesday, you think?
woozle 12/4/02 9:17 PM btw, it's snowing up here... S says she tends
to lose power easily, so if I go offline for
an extended time...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:22 PM lucky you
woozle 12/4/02 9:23 PM yes, just us and the snow and three
hyperactive kids and school will probably be
closed tomorrow...
woozle 12/4/02 9:23 PM fun from _their_ POV, I'm sure...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:23 PM oh yea!
woozle 12/4/02 9:23 PM (oh, and one working toilet...)
woozle 12/4/02 9:24 PM (2 kids in toilet training)
Bubba 12/4/02 9:24 PM snow's great until you have to drive in it
woozle 12/4/02 9:24 PM heh... been there, done that, got the mental
Bubba 12/4/02 9:24 PM as long as you have food and firewood incase
the electric goes down
woozle 12/4/02 9:25 PM up to a point, we are somewhat prepared, a
woozle 12/4/02 9:25 PM howdy
Bubba 12/4/02 9:25 PM my last big snow was the Blizzard of 78. I
promptly went to FL the following Nov. before
they hit again
Bubba 12/4/02 9:25 PM i fergot
woozle 12/4/02 9:26 PM clever
Bubba 12/4/02 9:26 PM howd you like those 2 fine art prints at 128
woozle 12/4/02 9:26 PM was wondering if you could respond to some of
our customer inquiries and just let them know
there's been computer trouble... was going to
respond today...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:26 PM got tired of digging the same car out of the
snowplows wake
woozle 12/4/02 9:26 PM haven't seen my email yet today, but that's
cool someone finally hors d'oeuvred those...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:27 PM y and y
Bubba 12/4/02 9:28 PM that's yes and yes
Bubba 12/4/02 9:28 PM not why & y
Bubba 12/4/02 9:28 PM or y & why
woozle 12/4/02 9:28 PM rodger
Bubba 12/4/02 9:28 PM or why & why
Bubba 12/4/02 9:29 PM or
woozle 12/4/02 9:29 PM that's not Rod and Gerry
Bubba 12/4/02 9:29 PM the ice cream makers?
woozle 12/4/02 9:29 PM Rod Stewart and Gerry Rafferty
woozle 12/4/02 9:29 PM it's not them
Bubba 12/4/02 9:29 PM mixed up Roddenbury
woozle 12/4/02 9:29 PM that too, not
Bubba 12/4/02 9:29 PM rod genenbury
Bubba 12/4/02 9:30 PM bean rod & gerry
Bubba 12/4/02 9:30 PM so you can see the confusion
woozle 12/4/02 9:30 PM wilbur & orville redenbacher
Bubba 12/4/02 9:30 PM says you are off line
woozle 12/4/02 9:31 PM says you are offline, too.
Bubba 12/4/02 9:31 PM I'm connected by my flower
woozle 12/4/02 9:31 PM That must be why we can communicate.
Bubba 12/4/02 9:31 PM well I am
woozle 12/4/02 9:31 PM let's try this...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:32 PM hey let go of my flower, i have to make a cake
walk on by the way I like what you've done it
woozle 12/4/02 9:32 PM how odd; I still see you as offline. I suspect
I need to reboot, cuz I was going back & forth
with Gonzo half-booting and crashing and such
all morning...
woozle 12/4/02 9:32 PM oh there, now yr online
Bubba 12/4/02 9:32 PM always wuzz wooz
woozle 12/4/02 9:33 PM I've done what again and you like it?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:33 PM if ever a wooz there wuzz
woozle 12/4/02 9:33 PM the woozle is one becuzz
Bubba 12/4/02 9:33 PM the wonderful wozzle is odd
woozle 12/4/02 9:33 PM (I encourage this because it enhances the
"wizard" mythos surrounding me)
Bubba 12/4/02 9:33 PM curtain and all
woozle 12/4/02 9:34 PM yes, I always did have difficulty paying
woozle 12/4/02 9:34 PM found it easy to pay no attention
Bubba 12/4/02 9:34 PM get that damn dog outta here
woozle 12/4/02 9:34 PM to the man behind the curtain or much of
anything else, really
Bubba 12/4/02 9:34 PM sorry, what was that?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:34 PM did you call me?
woozle 12/4/02 9:35 PM you talking to me?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:35 PM I miss doing our radio schtuph like this face
to face
woozle 12/4/02 9:35 PM aww, there there...
woozle 12/4/02 9:35 PM (or should I say 'ere 'ere...)
Bubba 12/4/02 9:36 PM covers both th and just h
woozle 12/4/02 9:36 PM most convenient
Bubba 12/4/02 9:36 PM air ear, ear air, air air, ear ear
Bubba 12/4/02 9:38 PM speaking of convenience
Bubba 12/4/02 9:38 PM where are we with order qty's
woozle 12/4/02 9:39 PM we could have placed 2 or more orders last
week; I haven't updated in several days. Was
gonna do that this morning & send u a list of
stuff to find...
woozle 12/4/02 9:39 PM At the moment, still rebuilding stuff, so I
can't do it now.
Bubba 12/4/02 9:39 PM good the sooner we get on each after we've
reached minimum the better we'll look for
Bubba 12/4/02 9:40 PM what is our time limit to ship?
woozle 12/4/02 9:40 PM HD gave up the ghost when I got around to
copying the Windows folder, so I couldn't just
ghost it over to the "new" HD. Currently
running SpinRite on the "new" HD (actually
Sandy's old 10GB) to make sure it's ok before
I depend on it...
woozle 12/4/02 9:40 PM time limit?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:41 PM after processing card
woozle 12/4/02 9:41 PM I've been told it's 72 hours, by an unofficial
source (Juliet)
Bubba 12/4/02 9:42 PM over night at $20 per order adds $1 per shirt
and at this time of year probably worth it
woozle 12/4/02 9:42 PM may be necessary... some folks needed their
stuff by 12/15
Bubba 12/4/02 9:42 PM and that's at a minimum order so if we have
more than 20 in the order it's less per of
woozle 12/4/02 9:42 PM and we don't yet have the $ to order their
woozle 12/4/02 9:43 PM ZR is coming here, yes?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:43 PM y
woozle 12/4/02 9:43 PM should arrive maybe Tues?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:43 PM new # in and everthin
Bubba 12/4/02 9:43 PM maybe fri
woozle 12/4/02 9:43 PM fingers crossed
Bubba 12/4/02 9:43 PM got out today I think
Bubba 12/4/02 9:43 PM was packed ad waiting
Bubba 12/4/02 9:43 PM and
woozle 12/4/02 9:44 PM priorities for getting back online are: 1.
email 2. databases
Bubba 12/4/02 9:44 PM got a code in mah nodes
Bubba 12/4/02 9:44 PM her goot
woozle 12/4/02 9:44 PM Bono, I mean u2, eh?
woozle 12/4/02 9:44 PM got a lingering chest cough
Bubba 12/4/02 9:44 PM no, I drink my pee
woozle 12/4/02 9:45 PM nothing like a nice afternoon pee
Bubba 12/4/02 9:45 PM spelled and ad which would be and if one has a
code in ones nodes
Bubba 12/4/02 9:45 PM first of the moring
Bubba 12/4/02 9:45 PM morning
woozle 12/4/02 9:45 PM do you stop around 4 pm and wonder aloud if
it's peetime yet...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:45 PM only if I'm in jolly ol'
woozle 12/4/02 9:45 PM first cold press, eh?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:45 PM midstream clean catch
Bubba 12/4/02 9:46 PM hold yer breath slam it and chase it w/a
little water
Bubba 12/4/02 9:46 PM ahhhhh
woozle 12/4/02 9:46 PM Get The Sensation
Bubba 12/4/02 9:47 PM will you help me w/the RDA site?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:47 PM I'll put it up FTP and you look at it's
lameness and make suggestions
woozle 12/4/02 9:47 PM will do what I can
woozle 12/4/02 9:48 PM can't say time is of the essence, cuz it's
seeming rather insubstantial these days (time,
that is)... more fleeting than substantial...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:48 PM and the CD's look good.
Bubba 12/4/02 9:49 PM time is a stream
Bubba 12/4/02 9:49 PM always the same and always different
Bubba 12/4/02 9:50 PM in the time it takes you to type an average
sentence, how many people died? How many
babies were born?
Bubba 12/4/02 9:50 PM today was once tomorrow for me
Bubba 12/4/02 9:51 PM and tomorrow still another yesterday someday
woozle 12/4/02 9:51 PM "Yesterday today was tomorrow, and tomorrow
today will be yesterday." - GH
Bubba 12/4/02 9:52 PM but what is time and who is GH?
woozle 12/4/02 9:52 PM not John, Paul, or Ringo
Bubba 12/4/02 9:52 PM oh and Time's a magazine
woozle 12/4/02 9:52 PM that's life
Bubba 12/4/02 9:52 PM I tell time all the time and it never listens
woozle 12/4/02 9:53 PM Time won't let me.
Bubba 12/4/02 9:54 PM Is it on your side, or spilled down the front
of your being like a raspberry Mister Misty on
a white shirt?
woozle 12/4/02 9:56 PM it's flowing like a river
woozle 12/4/02 9:56 PM and ticking away the moments that make up a
dull day
Bubba 12/4/02 9:56 PM ah a stream of unconciousness
woozle 12/4/02 9:56 PM stream of Floyd/Parsons, more like...
Bubba 12/4/02 9:57 PM well yeah them too
Bubba 12/4/02 9:57 PM insert seque here
woozle 12/4/02 9:57 PM flowing like a river, in a bottle
woozle 12/4/02 9:58 PM e kangaroo down, sport
Bubba 12/4/02 9:58 PM you got fish tanks up there?
woozle 12/4/02 9:58 PM got A fish tank... don't know if there are
others. It needs repair for holding water.
Bubba 12/4/02 9:58 PM ok so no
woozle 12/4/02 9:59 PM not a fish tank usable as such... or,
actually, it might be just fine and the only
reason it's not in use is cuz Josh will insist
on trying to catch the fish. I'd have to ask;
don't remember.
Bubba 12/4/02 9:59 PM if you put a piece of glass on a trench you
dig in the gravel and make it higher on one
end and put and air stone under the low end it
looks like a stream under water
woozle 12/4/02 10:00 PM and, in fact, technically it is... the water
is flowing the opposite direction from the
woozle 12/4/02 10:00 PM that's kinda neat-sounding, akshully.
Bubba 12/4/02 10:00 PM and then the bubble come out the high end and
you stagger cantelevered flat rocks to act
like shelfs and it'll look like an upsidedown
water fall
Bubba 12/4/02 10:01 PM only w/bubbles
Bubba 12/4/02 10:02 PM takes about a 5" wide piece of glass so you
can cover some of the edge to sculpt the
Bubba 12/4/02 10:02 PM little kids are amazed by it
Bubba 12/4/02 10:03 PM and fish tanks can be make Josh proof
woozle 12/4/02 10:03 PM Mozilla isn't playing well with others
woozle 12/4/02 10:03 PM fishtanks can be made joshproof, yes...
Bubba 12/4/02 10:03 PM all that fire amdsmokey breath
woozle 12/4/02 10:03 PM I have an idea or two.
Bubba 12/4/02 10:03 PM yes
woozle 12/4/02 10:03 PM Will implement when the time is no longer
green and sour
Bubba 12/4/02 10:03 PM subject?
woozle 12/4/02 10:04 PM joshproofing
Bubba 12/4/02 10:04 PM kewl
Bubba 12/4/02 10:08 PM I'm gonna upload what I have to let you know
how far behind I am for being ready to take
orders for the disc by Sat night
woozle 12/4/02 10:09 PM k
Bubba 12/4/02 10:09 PM working on header image rt now
woozle 12/4/02 10:09 PM progress is good
Bubba 12/4/02 10:19 PM In composer, I've got a table on the left for
the Our Mission, Projects, Contact and a
picture of the CD cover and I can't put and
image to the rt of the table for the header
woozle 12/4/02 10:19 PM composer doesn't handle wrap-around text very
well (read: "at all")
Bubba 12/4/02 10:19 PM well shit
woozle 12/4/02 10:20 PM save the file and bring it up in Moz to see
how it will actually look
woozle 12/4/02 10:20 PM you can add custom tags to make it look right
Bubba 12/4/02 10:20 PM it has a browse page that throws it into a
browser window
Bubba 12/4/02 10:20 PM is same?
woozle 12/4/02 10:21 PM to make stuff wrap around to the right of a
left-aligned table, include the tag
"align=left"in the <table ... > declaration
woozle 12/4/02 10:21 PM browse page: probly the same thing. Haven't
used composer since NS 4.7
Bubba 12/4/02 10:21 PM it is align left
Bubba 12/4/02 10:22 PM which is what mozill is = to
woozle 12/4/02 10:22 PM do the best you can, save it, upload it, and
tell me what you want it to do...
woozle 12/4/02 10:22 PM Mozilla is somewhere between NS6 and NS7
Bubba 12/4/02 10:22 PM haven't installed the new one yet
Bubba 12/4/02 10:23 PM still have the old moz
woozle 12/4/02 10:23 PM I just installed 1.2 final... having trouble
importing my email from Gonzo
woozle 12/4/02 10:23 PM but I was having trouble doing that earlier,
woozle 12/4/02 10:23 PM They seem to organize the mail folders
slightly differently with each version.
Bubba 12/4/02 10:24 PM I'll save it and FTP it so you can look at it
before bed here real quick
woozle 12/4/02 10:24 PM k
Bubba 12/4/02 10:34 PM I just put a folder into the rda/www folder
marked test and then uploaded the index.htm,
went to /test and there is nadda
woozle 12/4/02 10:34 PM ok, got it to see my mail folders... nothing
in 'em, but it's progress...
Bubba 12/4/02 10:34 PM kewl
woozle 12/4/02 10:34 PM have no ftp set up here yet
Bubba 12/4/02 10:34 PM is /test rt?
Bubba 12/4/02 10:35 PM /home/therda/www/test
woozle 12/4/02 10:35 PM you uploaded index.htm to ...www/test?
Bubba 12/4/02 10:35 PM y
woozle 12/4/02 10:35 PM try browsing to
Bubba 12/4/02 10:36 PM thought an index was an invisible and same FNF
woozle 12/4/02 10:36 PM depends
Bubba 12/4/02 10:37 PM all images and tiles are there w/index.htm
woozle 12/4/02 10:37 PM looking...
Bubba 12/4/02 10:37 PM for that page. Links of course are not on
Bubba 12/4/02 10:38 PM ?
woozle 12/4/02 10:38 PM not for browsing
Bubba 12/4/02 10:38 PM k
woozle 12/4/02 10:39 PM let me see if I can install FTP now...
woozle 12/4/02 10:41 PM so far so good; now let me see if I can bring
in my sites...
Bubba 12/4/02 10:47 PM anything? anything? Buehler,
woozle 12/4/02 10:47 PM (and in the mean time, my email has appeared
-- yay!!)
woozle 12/4/02 10:48 PM sites are not cooperating, but all is not lost
yet... still pecking away... oop, power went
woozle 12/4/02 10:48 PM guess the UPSs worked
woozle 12/4/02 10:48 PM it's back on now
woozle 12/4/02 10:48 PM but it could go out again
Bubba 12/4/02 10:48 PM might means might not
woozle 12/4/02 10:49 PM keeping toes crossed. I'd rather not spend
tomorrow or any part thereof with the power
woozle 12/4/02 10:54 PM here's a thot, while I'm pecking... are any of
the letters in "index.htm" uppercase?
Bubba 12/4/02 10:54 PM and the winner
Bubba 12/4/02 11:08 PM is
woozle 12/4/02 11:13 PM getting closer...
woozle 12/4/02 11:15 PM bingo
woozle 12/4/02 11:16 PM you capitalized the T in test
woozle 12/4/02 11:16 PM
Bubba 12/4/02 11:23 PM doh
woozle 12/4/02 11:23 PM a deer
Bubba 12/4/02 11:24 PM no pics fixxin now
woozle 12/4/02 11:25 PM dropping off to bed now, methinks
Bubba 12/4/02 11:25 PM k
woozle 12/4/02 11:25 PM nigh on 300 email msgs downloading
woozle 12/4/02 11:25 PM tty tomorrow, if communications aren't
Bubba 12/4/02 11:25 PM I'll work on the images
woozle 12/4/02 11:25 PM k
Bubba 12/4/02 11:25 PM nt
woozle 12/4/02 11:26 PM hav fun... nite.