From HypertWiki
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 (#324)
- what: ICQ conversation between Woozle and Bubba.
- "Mar 02 09:07:27 2003" is the date when I exported the log to a file.
- The conversation resumes on 2002/11/29.
-------------------------------------- ICQ History Log For: 8698504 Bubba Started on Sun Mar 02 09:07:27 2003 -------------------------------------- woozle 11/20/02 3:22 PM ok, at long last, the message... my computer crashed as I was listening to it the previous time... woozle 11/20/02 3:23 PM Greg from SunshineJoy, calling to see if you received the disks they sent down. 877-769-8800. And that's basically it. Bubba 11/20/02 3:32 PM did I Bubba 11/20/02 3:32 PM thinking I did Bubba 11/20/02 3:32 PM will look in my cd pile Bubba 11/20/02 3:34 PM Cathy Burrison - gets a hat Bubba 11/20/02 3:35 PM just kidding until we have some. Bubba 11/20/02 3:36 PM 3+ shirts gets a hat was the thot Bubba 11/20/02 3:37 PM am thinking a free pk of any Zion order. Jimi - Jimi incense Bob - Bob incense etc woozle 11/20/02 4:06 PM if the hats cost $1.50-$2 each, I don't know if it's cost-effective to toss one in for 3 shirts... maybe 4... I'll have to think of a way to analyze this. Bubba 11/20/02 4:08 PM 4's a better number and I thot you might think it was too hig a # Bubba 11/20/02 4:09 PM we can even offer it as an item in the store $8 woozle 11/20/02 4:09 PM the bigger the minimum for freebies, the less it costs us... for 2 reasons: 1. fewer of them; 2. cost distributed across a larger dollar volume Bubba 11/20/02 4:09 PM true woozle 11/20/02 4:09 PM yes... MT used to sell their "The Mountain" shirt... Bubba 11/20/02 4:09 PM i agree Bubba 11/20/02 4:10 PM everyone that has seen the latest batch wants one and if Cimmeria and Angela want to sport one it must be a nice hat woozle 11/20/02 4:10 PM schpiffy Bubba 11/20/02 4:10 PM the newest ones are abstract enough that it doesn't look like a bold faced advertising hat woozle 11/20/02 4:11 PM sounds good... should be art unto itself, even if it has a commercial msg woozle 11/20/02 4:11 PM going to bed more or less now... Bubba 11/20/02 4:11 PM suBtle, stylish, V B Z Bubba 11/20/02 4:12 PM skewl, pkgs, cats, bank in the morning here Bubba 11/20/02 4:12 PM anything else? woozle 11/20/02 4:12 PM sounzgoot woozle 11/20/02 4:13 PM I'm on the computer where my list isn't, but that certainly covers the high spots. I can ICQ you again in the morning with the official list. Bubba 11/20/02 4:13 PM nite woozle 11/20/02 4:13 PM nyte woozle 11/20/02 4:13 PM (Shipping -- that's the other thing, I think. Send them packyjizz. G'nitagin.) Bubba 11/20/02 4:14 PM first thing b4 cats Bubba 11/20/02 11:44 PM Flyers! DAMN! I'm on it Bubba 11/20/02 11:45 PM Did you get the label yet?