
From HypertWiki
Monday, August 26, 2002 (#238)
Sunday Monday Tuesday
Exact day: category (1) This month: category (18) / page
Other years: category (3) This year: category (181) / page

On this day:

  • Woozle finished moving more items out of Red House and into the backyard shed:

Got all the soda boxes into the shed. Also the Giant Old IBM computer. Just a few more eqpt boxes to cram into the shed, and the rest goes to NC (directly or via hull rd.).


Oh, and I rescued the antenna. It's also in the shed.

I later ended up leaving the antenna for the new RH tenants, as there simply wasn't time to move it anywhere useful on the schedule I was given. The Giant Old IBM was one of the items I had to leave behind in The Great Trailer Fiasco.