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Thursday, December 19, 2002 (#353)
- what: ICQ dialogue between Bubba and Woozle
Bubba 12/19/02 12:00 AM She initially emailed me and asked if they
were in stock I was checking on them and she
said she'd place the order if we could get
them to her and I said probably by Christmas
and then she didn't order
woozle 12/19/02 12:01 AM Ok... well, since no deposit, no loss if she
declines or doesn't answer...
Bubba 12/19/02 12:02 AM rt. I may go ahead and get them just to keep
up relations w/Flores
Bubba 12/19/02 12:02 AM think our cost is 12 per
Bubba 12/19/02 12:02 AM I'll call Flores w/the other shipping info and
tell them to hurry
woozle 12/19/02 12:03 AM sounds good. Once we know the pieces are en
route (get tracking #s if poss), we can debit
those ccards for real -- which would be a real
help about now.
Bubba 12/19/02 12:04 AM rt and they're 2 hours behind us so it won't
be early our time
woozle 12/19/02 12:04 AM k
Bubba 12/19/02 12:05 AM George is working on the yellow benz and needs
fuel, so I'm gonna go get some so he can maybe
get it running when it gets back
Bubba 12/19/02 12:05 AM I'm shocked that you're still awake so I
hadn't planned on talking to you
woozle 12/19/02 12:06 AM more stuff to locate is in email on its way 2
Bubba 12/19/02 12:06 AM I should only be gone for about 20min
woozle 12/19/02 12:06 AM Up late cuz Mel needed a ride back from LotR
11 pm showing... heh...
woozle 12/19/02 12:06 AM but I'm pretty blasted...working verrryy
woozle 12/19/02 12:06 AM ttyl
Bubba 12/19/02 12:06 AM so you're up for a bit
woozle 12/19/02 12:06 AM will be picking him up at 1:45
woozle 12/19/02 12:07 AM may take a nap between now & then
Bubba 12/19/02 12:07 AM rt so I'll be bk in a min
woozle 12/19/02 12:07 AM k
Bubba 12/19/02 12:59 AM bk
woozle 12/19/02 8:18 AM invalid card # (probably a typo):
Erin McGrath
716 446 0450, no email
Visa -1477 (01/05)
LB-01011 Turtle with Bears (Lamp)
Total $33.40
Can you call? Can you check and see if that's
one of the lamps we have left? I guess I'll
include her even if we can't get the # in
Bubba 12/19/02 8:19 AM Turtle w/bears is not available. We looked
for it when you were down last time
woozle 12/19/02 8:21 AM meaning we don't have it, not that it's n/a
from LB, rt?
Bubba 12/19/02 8:22 AM rt, we had one and shipped it and so we have
no more here
woozle 12/19/02 8:22 AM k
Bubba 12/19/02 8:22 AM oh and GM
woozle 12/19/02 8:22 AM Wouldn't be terrible to have one in stock, I
Bubba 12/19/02 8:22 AM nope
Bubba 12/19/02 8:22 AM so we have 2 lamps this order
woozle 12/19/02 8:22 AM Gotta go, back in an hour... got about half
the cards for LB + ZR entered in.
Bubba 12/19/02 8:23 AM k
woozle 12/19/02 9:36 AM another invalid #...
woozle 12/19/02 9:37 AM no phone, unfortch; we've exchanged emails, so
I guess I'll email her.
woozle 12/19/02 10:01 AM declined card
Ayla Olson
"206-261-1190 msg" is what she typed for phone
LB-31719-2X/BLK Skull Berries (2x eXtra Large
- black T-shirt)
LB-31723-2X/BLK Miss Muffett (2x eXtra Large -
black T-shirt)
Total $39.30
This one I'm not going to include unless we
can get in touch with her and get a fixed cc#,
woozle 12/19/02 10:04 AM oh, and her card was Visa -1309 x0404
woozle 12/19/02 10:06 AM another declined:
Chad.A.K (I have his full name somewhere, cuz
he sent email)
(858)755 5341
MC -2205 x05/03
Total $47.64
LB-31708-1X/BLK Medusa (eXtra Large - black
woozle 12/19/02 10:41 AM another declined
D5040 Vicki Jessie
Visa -8356 (02/04)
vj013@aol.com - no phone (her loss...)
let me know if you can't find the order for
any other info you might need
woozle 12/19/02 10:55 AM Address no match:
D4858 Larry Crittenden
Amex -003 (03/05)
LB-11591-L/TD Cal State (Large - tie-dye
total $27.17
woozle 12/19/02 11:14 AM any contacts yet? I'm ready to close the
batch... (gonna check my email for any
last-minute responses)
Bubba 12/19/02 11:15 AM calling
woozle 12/19/02 11:15 AM k
woozle 12/19/02 11:17 AM no relevant msgs here... how are you doing on
the list?
Bubba 12/19/02 11:20 AM on phone
woozle 12/19/02 11:20 AM kmp
Bubba 12/19/02 11:40 AM Erin Mc Grath 4117
Bubba 12/19/02 11:40 AM 7900
Bubba 12/19/02 11:40 AM 0000
Bubba 12/19/02 11:40 AM 1477
woozle 12/19/02 11:40 AM moment...
woozle 12/19/02 11:45 AM McGrath: card good
woozle 12/19/02 11:50 AM any others? Or have you left messages with
woozle 12/19/02 11:58 AM what time are ZR's and LB's deadlines to get
stuff shipped today?
Bubba 12/19/02 11:58 AM declined card
Ayla Olson
"206-261-1190 msg" is what she typed for phone
LB-31719-2X/BLK Skull Berries (2x eXtra Large
- black T-shirt)
LB-31723-2X/BLK Miss Muffett (2x eXtra Large -
black T-shirt)
Total $39.30
Visa -1309 x0404
This one I'm not going to include unless we
can get in touch with her and get a fixed cc#,
Left message to have them call me
another declined:
Chad.A.K (I have his full name somewhere, cuz
he sent email)
(858)755 5341
MC -2205 x05/03
Total $47.64
LB-31708-1X/BLK Medusa (eXtra Large - black
The number rings to 5304 even though I dial
Address no match:
D4858 Larry Crittenden
Amex -003 (03/05)
LB-11591-L/TD Cal State (Large - tie-dye
total $27.17
change shipping to billing address. says he
sent email telling you to do that
woozle 12/19/02 11:58 AM checking
Bubba 12/19/02 11:58 AM don't know
woozle 12/19/02 11:59 AM we should probably stop calling customers and
start calling in restock orders
Bubba 12/19/02 11:59 AM k
Bubba 12/19/02 11:59 AM didn't have a ph# for the other one
woozle 12/19/02 11:59 AM I see no email from Crittenden nor do I have a
folder for his order
woozle 12/19/02 12:00 PM changing addresses
Bubba 12/19/02 12:00 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 12:00 PM Correction -- I have two emails from
crittenden, but they're both of the "where is
it" variety
Bubba 12/19/02 12:00 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 12:01 PM "change shipping to billing address" -- means
use the shipping address as the billing
Bubba 12/19/02 12:02 PM B as S
Bubba 12/19/02 12:02 PM son is gonna be home
Bubba 12/19/02 12:02 PM as a birthday gift originally
Bubba 12/19/02 12:02 PM was ordered as a BDG
woozle 12/19/02 12:02 PM but that doesn't fix the credit card problem
Bubba 12/19/02 12:03 PM was an address mismatch rt
woozle 12/19/02 12:03 PM and billing address and shipping address are
already same -- 1422 Dearing Place
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
woozle 12/19/02 12:03 PM the address mismatch was on the billing
Bubba 12/19/02 12:03 PM should be 90 something
woozle 12/19/02 12:04 PM (they always are on the billing address)
woozle 12/19/02 12:04 PM I have no other addresses for him
Bubba 12/19/02 12:04 PM will call him back
woozle 12/19/02 12:04 PM k
Bubba 12/19/02 12:07 PM 906 Cypress Mill Rd.
Florence, AL35630
woozle 12/19/02 12:07 PM entering that as billing and shipping
Bubba 12/19/02 12:07 PM y
woozle 12/19/02 12:08 PM entered; testing...
woozle 12/19/02 12:09 PM matched. Tanqu...
Bubba 12/19/02 12:10 PM kewl
woozle 12/19/02 12:10 PM ok, so let me get you The List and then we'll
tackle how to pay for this stuff.
Bubba 12/19/02 12:11 PM well we freed up some cash w/the hold 30 thing
woozle 12/19/02 12:12 PM yes, but it won't be there in time to pay for
orders which have to go out today
Bubba 12/19/02 12:12 PM ?
woozle 12/19/02 12:13 PM why "?"?
woozle 12/19/02 12:13 PM ZR and LB both have to go out today or we're
going to miss a lot of xmasses
Bubba 12/19/02 12:13 PM rt
Bubba 12/19/02 12:14 PM I'm just saying that if we don't have to have
the MT cash gone for 30 days then it's in the
account to pay for the ZR and LB or at least a
big chunk of the total
woozle 12/19/02 12:15 PM That will only help if they don't make us pay
in advance...
woozle 12/19/02 12:15 PM We've got about $200 in the acct
Bubba 12/19/02 12:15 PM oh
Bubba 12/19/02 12:15 PM then how were we gonna pay for a $450 MT
woozle 12/19/02 12:16 PM when the cc deposits come in, of course
woozle 12/19/02 12:16 PM Even if I had already run the cards, the $
still wouldn't be there for another 3-5 days
Bubba 12/19/02 12:16 PM rt
Bubba 12/19/02 12:17 PM did you add the newest LB order to the list?
Bubba 12/19/02 12:18 PM D5364 - 31795 XX
woozle 12/19/02 12:18 PM I'm not adding anything that came in after I
posted the "deadline has passed" msg yesterday
Bubba 12/19/02 12:18 PM why not?
Bubba 12/19/02 12:19 PM since we haven't placed the order
Bubba 12/19/02 12:19 PM think it's only one or two
woozle 12/19/02 12:19 PM because it's a crunch as it is; don't have
time to open another batch, run another card,
etc etc. etc
Bubba 12/19/02 12:21 PM whatever
woozle 12/19/02 12:34 PM Ok, Liquid Blue -- here it comes...
woozle 12/19/02 12:34 PM LB-00275 GD Car Emblem / Keychain - gold
chrome (Keychain) 1
LB-00298 SYF Sun - stone (Cap) 1
LB-01011 Turtle with Bears (Lamp) 2
LB-01015 Banker (Lamp) 1
LB-01701 ICC cap - red (Cap) 1
LB-11146-1X/TD Turtle Beach (eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11344-2X/TD 30th Anniversary (2x eXtra
Large - tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11344-L/TD 30th Anniversary (Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 2
LB-11381-M/TD Summer Tour Bus (Medium -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11423-2X/TD White-Tailed Deer (2x eXtra
Large - tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11424-YL/TD Wolf Moon (Youth Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1 11424Y
LB-11425-L/TD American Eagle (Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11436-L/TD Winter Wolf (Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11444-1X/TD Airborne Marlin (eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11469-2X/TD Bow Riders (2x eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11474-L/TD Mountain Majesty (Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11479-1X/TD Nesting Call (eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11500-2X/TD Watchtower (2x eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11501-2X/TD Terrapin Moon (2x eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 2
LB-11501-L/TD Terrapin Moon (Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11501-M/TD Terrapin Moon (Medium - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11502-2X/TD Celtic Mandala (2x eXtra Large
- tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11530-1X/TD Dead Golf (eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11531-TLS/1X/TD Ski Bear (eXtra Large -
tie-dye Longsleeve T-shirt) 1 12531
LB-11556-L/TD China Rider (Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11572-1X/WH Liquid Steal Your Face (eXtra
Large - white T-shirt) 1 21572
LB-11575-2X/TD St. Stephen (2x eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11577-2X/TD Beach Bears (2x eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11580-L/TD Queen of Spades (Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11581-1X/TD Banjo (eXtra Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11581-L/TD Banjo (Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11582-1X/TD Chinese New Year (eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11584-1X/TD Rusty Blue (eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11586-1X/TD Big Top (eXtra Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11591-L/TD Cal State (Large - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11777-2X/TD Mushroom Garden (2x eXtra Large
- tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11817-M/TD Swansong (Medium - tie-dye
T-shirt) 1
LB-11819-L/TD Houses of the Holy (Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-11G05-2X Mulligan's Bar & Grille (2x eXtra
Large T-shirt) 1
LB-31112-2X/BLK Arctic Wolf (2x eXtra Large -
black T-shirt) 1
LB-31127-L/BLK Constellation (Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-31153-1X/BLK Indian Bear (eXtra Large -
black T-shirt) 1
LB-31178-L/BLK Tribal Lion (Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-31179-1X/TD Tribal Wolf (eXtra Large -
tie-dye T-shirt) 1
LB-31703-2X/BLK Dragon Duel (2x eXtra Large -
black T-shirt) 1
LB-31704-2X/BLK Dragon (2x eXtra Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-31704-L/BLK Dragon (Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-31717-M/BLK The Silent Quintet (Medium -
black T-shirt) 1
LB-31718-M/BLK Moon Dog (Medium - black
T-shirt) 2
LB-31723-TLS/L/BLK Miss Muffett (Large - black
Longsleeve T-shirt) 1 32723
LB-31727-2X/BLK Serpent Master (2x eXtra Large
- black T-shirt) 1
LB-31731-2X/BLK High Sorcery (2x eXtra Large -
black T-shirt) 1
LB-31732-2X/BLK Dragon Catcher (2x eXtra Large
- black T-shirt) 1
LB-31748-L/BLK Pegasus (Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-31776-2X/BLK Great Wyrm (2x eXtra Large -
black T-shirt) 1
LB-31789-TLS/L/BLK Viper Cross (Large - black
Longsleeve T-shirt) 1 32789
LB-31793-L/BLK Hellrider (Large - black
T-shirt) 3
LB-31795-L/BLK Incinerator (Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-31796-L/BLK Union Pride (Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-31797-2X/BLK Dixie Pride (2x eXtra Large -
black T-shirt) 1
LB-31797-L/BLK Dixie Pride (Large - black
T-shirt) 1
LB-41781-L El Diablo (Large T-shirt) 1
LB-61300-1X Skull & Roses Band - wedgwood
color (eXtra Large T-shirt) 1
LB-61301-1X Bolt Band - silver (eXtra Large
T-shirt) 1
LB-61380-L Cornell Road Crew (Large
T-shirt) 1
LB-87011-PRO Grateful Dead: China Rider (proof
Art Print) 2 87012
woozle 12/19/02 12:35 PM Would you like that in a spreadsheet?
woozle 12/19/02 12:36 PM (This order list is assuming you were able to
find everything I currently show as stock,
which is why I hope you've already gone and
looked for the stuff...)
Bubba 12/19/02 12:41 PM bk and spreadsheet good
woozle 12/19/02 12:41 PM emailing you spreadsheet for LB & ZR
Bubba 12/19/02 12:41 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 12:43 PM Is on its way... Do your best and let me know
if any items are unavailable, any totals you
get -- and most importantly, what payment
arrangements we are able to make. I have to go
out for an hour or two, which may run into kid
pickup time but I will try to stop back before
woozle 12/19/02 12:43 PM Did you get those 2 additional MT items added?
Bubba 12/19/02 12:43 PM k and will pull all I can
Bubba 12/19/02 12:44 PM Y but don't know if they got added. They're
gonna call if not
woozle 12/19/02 12:44 PM ok, that's the best we can do.
woozle 12/19/02 12:44 PM under the circus dances.
woozle 12/19/02 12:44 PM tty later
Bubba 12/19/02 12:44 PM rt
Bubba 12/19/02 12:45 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 2:53 PM how r we doing? yr offline...
woozle 12/19/02 2:53 PM now yr online
woozle 12/19/02 2:54 PM just in case you were wondering
woozle 12/19/02 2:56 PM dangit, stupid software didn't release
crittenden's order when his card tested ok...
I forgot it wouldn't do that..
woozle 12/19/02 2:56 PM and icq is only showing one of the sentences I
just typed...
woozle 12/19/02 2:56 PM icq full. brb
Bubba 12/19/02 2:56 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 2:57 PM bk
woozle 12/19/02 2:57 PM how r we doing on restocks?
Bubba 12/19/02 2:57 PM we gotta throw thes last few shirts in the
order and take our chances cuz you know
they're desperate
woozle 12/19/02 2:57 PM if you want to go ahead and add them, go
ahead... and let me give you Crittenden's
woozle 12/19/02 2:58 PM LB-11591-L/TD Cal State (Large - tie-dye
woozle 12/19/02 2:58 PM just give me a list of what you add, so I can
add it to what we're expecting
Bubba 12/19/02 2:58 PM Adrian just got up from his nap so we can go
do pulls now. OK to adding list
woozle 12/19/02 2:59 PM k
Bubba 12/19/02 3:01 PM damn!, one of the is from Morrocco
Bubba 12/19/02 3:02 PM $48.04
woozle 12/19/02 3:02 PM well, everyone has seen the notice saying it's
too late if you want it by xmas...
woozle 12/19/02 3:02 PM were there any msgs?
woozle 12/19/02 3:02 PM in the instructions, I mean
Bubba 12/19/02 3:02 PM rt
woozle 12/19/02 3:02 PM gotta go
Bubba 12/19/02 3:03 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 3:03 PM back 4-ish. Order what you can. Get extensions
where you can, cuz ain't no $ to pay yet...
the usual. ttyl
Bubba 12/19/02 3:03 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 4:01 PM got yr pkg
woozle 12/19/02 5:13 PM so... LB? ZR? Please ignore the rising levels
of anxiety you may be detecting; they are
simply due to imminent nervous collapse and
are perfectly harmless unless invoked.
Bubba 12/19/02 5:31 PM added to:
ZR BOB-1208-XX and BOB-4002 Contrast Stitch
Hat - COD Hold 30 and note in Memo and on the
back of the check
LB 32795
woozle 12/19/02 5:32 PM let me sort that out...
Bubba 12/19/02 5:32 PM LB says we have to set up that w/the
bookkeeping dept and we'd have had to do it
before now
woozle 12/19/02 5:32 PM 1. you added 1208 and 4002 to the ZR order
Bubba 12/19/02 5:32 PM y
woozle 12/19/02 5:32 PM 2. ZR order COD hold 30
Bubba 12/19/02 5:32 PM y
woozle 12/19/02 5:33 PM 3. LB kinda sorta SOL but at least we're down
to one unsolvable problem instead of 3
woozle 12/19/02 5:33 PM When is LB scheduled to arrive?
Bubba 12/19/02 5:33 PM what kind of total did you get for LB
Bubba 12/19/02 5:33 PM both Sat.
woozle 12/19/02 5:34 PM Sat.: eugh. That's almost as bad as Monday.
Bubba 12/19/02 5:34 PM this is Thurs. when did you think it'd get
woozle 12/19/02 5:35 PM If we'd ordered this morning like we planned
to last night, it should have arrived tomorrow
Bubba 12/19/02 5:36 PM wouldn't have happened like that anyway due to
the back log
Bubba 12/19/02 5:36 PM I asked LB
Bubba 12/19/02 5:36 PM didn't ask ZR
woozle 12/19/02 5:37 PM well, I'll just have to make a list of the
ones that were anxious about xmas delivery,
send them out overnight, and everyone else
will just be a few days late.
woozle 12/19/02 5:37 PM I don't think we have enough cash in the bank
to pay for overnight for all the LB & ZR
Bubba 12/19/02 5:38 PM to customers?
woozle 12/19/02 5:38 PM (LB approx total cost: $1,041.25)
woozle 12/19/02 5:38 PM right, to customers. Monday is the 23rd.
Bubba 12/19/02 5:38 PM rt
Bubba 12/19/02 5:39 PM whale shit
woozle 12/19/02 5:44 PM was ZR overnight to me?
Bubba 12/19/02 5:45 PM y
Bubba 12/19/02 5:45 PM as is LB
woozle 12/19/02 5:45 PM so it's probly Sat., possibly Mon. depending
on how far behind they are
Bubba 12/19/02 5:46 PM both said out tomorrow and w/Sat Delivery.
It's up to the PO
woozle 12/19/02 5:46 PM ok... I thought you said you asked LB but not
ZR -- what did you not ask LB?
Bubba 12/19/02 5:48 PM I asked LB if it would've gotten out today
anyway had I ordered it in the a.m. just to
see if I screwed up and was told no
Bubba 12/19/02 5:48 PM didn't ask that of ZR
woozle 12/19/02 5:48 PM ah.
woozle 12/19/02 5:48 PM I thought I had understood that order in
morning = out in afternoon
woozle 12/19/02 5:49 PM so it's order in morning = out next day, order
in afternoon = out in 2 days?
Bubba 12/19/02 5:49 PM this is Christmas is all.
Bubba 12/19/02 5:50 PM usually order in morning and out that
afternoon if the que isn't too full
woozle 12/19/02 5:50 PM We should have been planning these dates when
I was down there the other week, instead of
working on the CD site.
woozle 12/19/02 5:51 PM As it is, here's what I see: LB will attempt
to debit our card for ~$1000. It will be
declined. Several days later, the money will
be there, and we will ask them to re-debit;
the package will arrive here a few days after
xmas, we will ship the stuff and it will
arrive 5-10 days after xmas. People will be
pissed, but life will go on.
Bubba 12/19/02 5:52 PM we had plenty of time to do that anyway and we
didn't. let's not shift blame to that, cuz it
really didn't affect us talking about dates
woozle 12/19/02 5:53 PM I'm still trying to understand how it got to
be this late that we were placing the orders,
but I have no real answers yet.
Bubba 12/19/02 5:54 PM me too neither
woozle 12/19/02 8:27 PM ok, I'm working out some options here.
woozle 12/19/02 8:27 PM We do have enough to place _part_ of the LB
woozle 12/19/02 8:29 PM What I'd like to do is work out which of our
LB orders are the most crucial -- that would
be (1) anyone who put in the instructions
saying they need it by xmas, (2) anyone who
emailed anxiously about their order in the
interim, (3) any others that seem to deserve
special consideration.
woozle 12/19/02 8:30 PM I've compiled a list of all the LB orders, and
I'm going thru the DB making a note of the
status of each one. Then we'll prioritize,
then I can email everyone whose order is going
to be late.
woozle 12/19/02 8:31 PM And then tomorrow morning, if you could call
LB and cancel our existing order (I want to
give customers the opportunities to cancel
their orders if they're going to be late) and
replace it with the hi-prio list worked out
Bubba 12/19/02 8:32 PM if we know the money is there borrow against
it and ship them all
woozle 12/19/02 8:32 PM It isn't. The debit would probably be refused,
and could cost us hundreds in NSFs if it
woozle 12/19/02 8:33 PM It will be in a few days, but not in time.
Unless LB can give us maybe a 5-day extension
before they debit -- which you said they
woozle 12/19/02 8:33 PM (Not without prior arrangement, anyhow.)
Bubba 12/19/02 8:33 PM so all this merch and no $ to cover costs
after shipping??
woozle 12/19/02 8:33 PM You know how it works.
woozle 12/19/02 8:34 PM The money comes in after we ship, or around
the time we ship if I pre-debit.
Bubba 12/19/02 8:34 PM rt and is there going to be more than we need
to buy the stuff and ship it?
woozle 12/19/02 8:34 PM If we had 3 more days, I could run the cards
and tell LB to hold the order until the funds
appeared in the queue -- but that would be
roughly the 24th.
woozle 12/19/02 8:35 PM "is there going to be more than we need" --?
Bubba 12/19/02 8:35 PM costs + shipping = what we need
Bubba 12/19/02 8:35 PM total batch = more than we need?
Bubba 12/19/02 8:36 PM $
woozle 12/19/02 8:36 PM I won't know how it balances out until we've
shipped everything.
woozle 12/19/02 8:36 PM There may be some overnights which may
decimate our profit margin.
woozle 12/19/02 8:37 PM Under ordinary circumstances, we'd be in good
shape; the LB restock by itself should show a
profit of $500-$1000.
Bubba 12/19/02 8:37 PM how many pkgs to go out, and an average # of
shirts X shipping method =
Bubba 12/19/02 8:37 PM ?
woozle 12/19/02 8:37 PM But if we have to ship stuff much more
xpensivly than usual, and a bunch of people
cancel cuz their stuff isn't going to be on
time, then we could be dead in the water.
woozle 12/19/02 8:38 PM LB is 50 orders
Bubba 12/19/02 8:39 PM rt so we have to ship it or cancel them all
cuz if we make a little money on shipping only
some and still need to overnight the
difference is just the # of pkgs doing the
woozle 12/19/02 8:39 PM not following
woozle 12/19/02 8:39 PM I think if we ship the ones to customers who
are the most anxious, the majority of the rest
of the customers may forgive us
Bubba 12/19/02 8:39 PM if we can do it w/20 then 60 is the same only
woozle 12/19/02 8:40 PM not understanding yr point
Bubba 12/19/02 8:40 PM we still need to overnight pkgs to customers
woozle 12/19/02 8:40 PM we don't have the cash to pay for all $1000 of
the LB restock
Bubba 12/19/02 8:40 PM to guarantee arrival
woozle 12/19/02 8:40 PM hmm
woozle 12/19/02 8:41 PM forgot about the LB restock arriving
saturday... that does kinda cramp things.
Bubba 12/19/02 8:41 PM so if we have to do it for 20 and it's worth
doing then 60 is too cuz it's just more and
the little we make off the extra 40 helps the
big picture
woozle 12/19/02 8:42 PM If it were going to arrive earlyish, I could
have the packing slips printed for a reduced
restock (20) and perhaps get it to the PO
before 12:30... or, heck, we could use UPS or
something... they're maybe open later... more
expensive, but not as expensive as overnight
woozle 12/19/02 8:42 PM very iffy either way, tho
woozle 12/19/02 8:43 PM 60 would be worth doing if we could afford it,
but LB won't send us 60
woozle 12/19/02 8:43 PM because they'll do the debit and the charge
will be declined
woozle 12/19/02 8:43 PM (revision: 60 _might_ be worth doing if.)
Bubba 12/19/02 8:43 PM I'll call them in the morning and get it
woozle 12/19/02 8:43 PM get what arranged?
woozle 12/19/02 8:45 PM backinnabit
woozle 12/19/02 8:45 PM (do you mean the original plan I suggested?)
Bubba 12/19/02 8:45 PM see if I can get a ___day hold
Bubba 12/19/02 8:45 PM & we have to plan for a NO
woozle 12/19/02 8:46 PM that would be immensely helpful if it were
possible, tho that still leaves the
overnighting issue... guess I'll have to do
the math on how much that will cost.
Bubba 12/19/02 8:46 PM k
woozle 12/19/02 9:08 PM back... when you talk to LB, you might mention
the power outage in NCand how that kind of
threw our already turbulent shipping
operations into a state of thorough
out-of-whackness. (I'm given to understand the
ice storm made national news.)
Bubba 12/19/02 9:09 PM I'm just gonna be Oliver and do the twist
Bubba 12/19/02 9:10 PM you know, the guy that puts the olive in the
woozle 12/19/02 9:10 PM I'm not sure what the Dickens you're referring
to, but you certainly could tell a Tale of
(operations in) Two Cities.
Bubba 12/19/02 9:16 PM will use the because
Bubba 12/19/02 9:17 PM "Because" is scientifically proven to work
94-95% of the time
woozle 12/19/02 9:18 PM it works because
woozle 12/19/02 9:18 PM and we know this because
Bubba 12/19/02 9:18 PM start listening to advertising for because
woozle 12/19/02 9:20 PM is N08 still on top of (or near) the piano?
Bubba 12/19/02 9:21 PM will look
woozle 12/19/02 9:21 PM if it is, pull LB-11423-2X/TD White-Tailed
woozle 12/19/02 9:22 PM and I will create a pkg... that will fill one
Bubba 12/19/02 9:22 PM k