Monday, October 17, 2022 (#290)
I went to sleep thinking about how to rework the vbz code. I spent about 10 minutes loading up all of Ferreteria so I could find things more easily -- it took extra time because I'd select a bunch of files to open, then click on that to drag them over to Kate (editor) but somewhere along the line that got converted into a double-click which de-selects everything except the one I just clicked on and opens that one up in a different editor. I finally worked out that if I am forceful with that initial post-selection click, it won't do that.
Texted Hugh the Dishwasher Guy to see if he's still doing dishwasher repair.
Watching this for evening TV.
Battled with intense depression for about an hour after that, but the 'phenidate finally kicked in. Still trying to figure out what Ferreteria/v0.5/@cls/cKiosk was supposed to be for, because in my head it was originally supposed to be for URL navigation (which I need for VbzCart) but it doesn't actually seem to do that very well, and it overlaps with functionality provided by other classes.