Anna Nikola

From HypertWiki
Revision as of 16:27, 3 March 2017 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Links: more press (hmm, apparently never pasted the link for the first one...))

This is the official, boring Anna Nikola Tesla Staddon page, callously imposed upon her for consumption by doting relatives and such.

In Brief

  • Birthday: 1994-11-25
  • all things Anna, later to be supplemented with a more guided tour. Maybe.
  • Anna Nikola is also known as HypertWiki user Zeldrea, but there isn't much on that page (yet? well, it's been a few years...).
  • And yes, Anna is in fact Woozle's offspring, though generally neither of them want to admit it in public. <insert shifty eyes>



  • 2009-10: I am moving on to Cedar Shoals. Because I'm a big kid now. uhh....high-school---yes! finally...--Anna
  • 2008-9: Anna is moving on to a pretty decent-sounding public school, I can't remember the name at the moment --Woozle 22:02, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
    • I got into Hilsman Middle School and it's more fabulous than not fabulous! And right now I am writing a debate speech! Yes, school is good! --Anna
  • 2002-8: Anna attended St. Joseph's Catholic School in Athens, GA. (Not my idea. -W.)
  • Before that, she went to Athens Montessori School and Waseca.