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Tigger and Anna, circa 1998

Tigger, better known to many by the pseudonym Ann Veronica Simon stated on her birth-certificate, was Woozle's close friend and confidant from 1981 until her death, and much-beloved godmother to Anna Nikola. As one of Jenny's close friends in the CFS middle school circa 1979, she was a founding member of the "Goresum Foursum" (along with Cindy S. and Erika J.)

Woozle gave her the name "Tigger" – in commemoration of her eternally energetic and bouncy nature – while they were both at Brown, which she attended as an undergraduate from 1985-1989 and where she became a member of the Delta Psi chapter at King House.

She had almost completed graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley at the time of her death; she was granted her degree posthumously. The Ann Veronica Simon Outstanding Dissertation Award (see) was established at the LSU Women's & Gender Studies department in her honor not long after. (See 2006 Ann Simon fundraising letter for details)

Some original Tigger phrases:

  • Whatever wiggles your guinea-pig.
  • Please kiss your own spaghetti.


Related Articles

  • The Tigger category has photos
  • Woozle writes about Tigger
  • 2007.02 Your Brilliant Career, a song for which Ann wrote the first two lines (perhaps more; not sure) and inspired the overall verbal feel, is now available for download! (2025: substantially improved since 2007, too!)


Hedgehogs! dee dee dee!

~ The Ann Veronica Simon Memorial Collection of Hedgehog Miscellany ~

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