
From HypertWiki

I have no firm pronoun preference.

Or maybe I should say I have a slight preference for female pronouns, but I haven't decided yet if I'm allowed to have that preference. I don't want anyone to feel deceived.

I'm male-bodied with gender dysphoria. A slight majority of my friends tend to use female pronouns to refer to me, while my family uses male pronouns exclusively. I tend to feel complemented when people online assume I am female, but I don't feel that I can expect people to feel comfortable addressing me as female when I don't look female. (This probably dates me somewhat... I don't have a problem with other TG people doing this for themselves, but it doesn't feel quite right for me to do it, under the current circumstances.)

It's not a secret, but I've downplayed it somewhat because of how my family reacted when informed. I only recently acquired sufficient resources to possibly take corrective action regarding my physical appearance, but there are other priorities to deal with, so I'm still having to delay most of it for a few more months, at least, so I don't really feel that I can force the issue... but that's a much longer discussion.

Harena often uses female pronouns to refer to me, but falls back to male around some people (even some people who would probably be sympathetic). This makes intuitive sense to me: although it's not a secret, not everyone I know (online or off) is aware of it, and I haven't made a point of making sure everyone knows. Using female pronouns for me around these people would therefore cause head-scratching at a minimum, and would probably necessitate a conversation I might not be ready to have at any given moment.


I'm in a particularly odd position because most MtFs seem to be drawn to the hyperfeminine, while I'm drawn to tomboys and to the image of myself as one of them -- which is pretty much impossible to convey through clothing or any other self-adornment, because a major characteristic of tomboyism is (of course) wearing masculine clothing and not wearing makeup.

...which is a rather large part of why it took me so long to figure out what was going on.


  • 2016-04-27 "I don't currently have the resources to take corrective action" is no longer an accurate description of the situation as of Fall 2015; replaced with "I only recently acquired sufficient resources to possibly take corrective action, but there are other priorities to deal with, so I'm still having to delay most of it for a few more months, at least"