Woozle/missing stuff
From HypertWiki
< Woozle
Important stuff that I'm pretty sure made it up to Hypertwin Manor but which is currently missing. My memory is vague and unreliable enough that it's just possible it got lost in The Great Trailer Fiasco of 2003, but I could swear I remember looking at some of this stuff after moving here.
- my ongoing letter to Jenny (mostly yellow legal-size lined notebook paper, iirc)
- the two expandable binders of stuff exchanged between me and Tigger
- half-size white-plastic-spiral art notebook from Mexico City; has "planet of the absurdly long and redundant names" sketches in it
- two "diaries" from Duke Preschool:
- black-and-white "Harriet the Spy"-style Composition Book
- journal-sized brown spiral notebook