
From HypertWiki


I had been raised without religion and had kind of gotten the idea that nobody sane really believed that stuff anymore; there was no reason to take it any more seriously than Greek or Norse mythology. I also had the sense, on some level, that it was being used to constrain and control Jenny, which (naturally) was deeply upsetting. I don't think I articulated this feeling very well, though; I was still stuck in logic-based justifications – things had to make sense.

I mean, yes, a lot of things that don't make sense really should – but (I now understand) it's sometimes okay when they don't. Some things, like art or feelings, don't have to be something you can analyze concretely in order to be valid, and sometimes things that make sense can be very difficult to reduce to a series of logical statements. "Making sense" is not always a necessity, and logical analysis isn't always a requirement for making sense.

It's when things that don't make sense are actually in conflict with things that do make sense – when someone else's sense says "you must do this and not that", while your own sense says this is ridiculous – that you may need to pick apart what goes into each respective idea of "sense" to see what it's made of.

I think I was often afraid, on a subconscious level, that if it was okay for art not to make sense, then you had to leave religion alone as well. The thing is, though, that religion doesn't leave you alone.

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